Michael Brown, United Way, Winston-salem, North Carolina, Wake Forest University, Fergerson, Mo.
Have been on computer for two hours; the post done [dissappeared]-whichit should not do because it it saved on a regular basis which means bastards took it;so will try to post some of what was done within hour;
1. New worker from the WSFC 5th street public library at CRB library; BIG African American female who serves well as a substitute for an AFrican American male [being that somebody has to do the physical hard work] if a library patron decided to intimidate those who intimidate them;-name melody-which is code to Melissa Williams that African American females who come into the CRB library are to be treated as BIG African American females; which means that they will probably have something put in their food or drinks[Note:1a-know because they did the same to me and saw them do the same to Joycelyn Johnson [alderman in 2009]:
[Joycelyn Johnson]
"Home Value Dips Spark Anger"
March 2, 2013

[Joycelyn Johnson and Walter Marshall having a heated discussion][note:1b- Walter Marshall is person who suddenly, did not find [Melissa Williams/Sylvia Hamlin][CRB library] putting me out of the CRB library for no reason, to be as BIG an issue when he found out that a "PAULA" [worker at CRB library]was involved; later found out relative of Walter Marshall's is name "PAULette";
2. The Winston-Salem Journal, "Nation and World" setion; page A10; article"Nurse discharged, gets call from Obama"; by associated press:

[Amber Vinson, Dallas nurse ]
She hired a lawyer and spoke out about her isolation and was then transported to Maine"[Note:1c-African Americans encounter being put into isolation all the time; but do not have the options of hiring an attorney to stop the "isolation"; "ISOLATION and MAINE" -are code words=Isolate the main females;
"I remain appalled by these home quarantine policies that have been forced upon me."[Note 1d-African Americans have isolation forced on them all the time[why do you think you don't see African American[s] in the mix with a lot of white activities-it is not like African American[s] have so much going on in their neighborhoods:
"On CNN, Hickox attorney Steven Hyman said he thinks the next step is up to Maine"[Note:1e-Hickox is code for COCK;"dick"; "sex"; Steven Hyman-code-Steve=Steve WHITEheart; and HYman=HIGHman=WHITEheart is the HIGHman;
"Ebola" is code for sex and white male[s] control sex of African American females in the United States;
Note:1f- Out of all of the lawyers in the world/United States there is only STEVE-is not a coincidence;
3.Osteen-to force blacks into being gay in order to work in white male system without being attacked by white males:
Skyways and higways company =
4. While at Carl Russel Recreation Center in Winston-Salem, North Carolina there was a meeting in the "Carver SENIOR CITIZENS MULTI-PURPOSE ROOM #1; in which there was a class for [YOUNG] AFrican American[s]who want to start their own businesses that will teach them how to write a business proposal, business plan:
[email sent-Wednesday, October 29, 2014 2:22 PM]
[Picture taken:10/28/14;7:33pm];
Note: 1g- Senior Citizens Sign on door of Carl Russel Recreation Center[where when [YOUNG] African American[s] go into room and they shut the door is symbolic of [YOUNG] African American[s] giving up their "YOUTH"
Note: 1g[a] Senior citizens sign on door of Carl Russell Recreation Center;
When the [YOUNG] African American[s] who want to start a business entered the room to get a "class" in how to write a business proposal/business plan; to the white male system[s] the YOUNG AFrican Americans who are not conscious that they are giving up their "YOUTH" and from that point on will be considered "SENIOR" CITIZENS and will be required to give up their "YOUTH" life and will be automatically put in the category of being a "SENIOR CITIZEN-which is why there are no major corporations, businesses, etc. in the AFrican American neighborhoods, like on the white side of Winston-Salem, North Carolina, [Black[s] youthful life is taken away and they have to live the life of a "senior" citizen;
[Email sent-Wednesday, October 29, 2014 2:21 PM];
[picture taken:10/28/14;7:33pm];
Why African American[YOUTH] produce nothing-and their life is working to avoid the system[s] of confinement created by white male[s] for [YOUNG] African American[s]-who if live the [YOUNG] life they are considered to be competitors/therefore a threat to white males while on the otherhand WHITE young are considered to be "PARTNERS" with white males and therefore are allowed to create/develope any type of business [legal or illegal] that they can get away with;
While at the front ent[or should I say white end, the Winston-Salem Journal is "showcasing" the young whites who will be starting a business[without even having to take classes from the city]:

Note: 2a- Picture of "CLAYton" realitor sign-code- for "clan" in Martin's yard;
Note: 2b-The word "LOVE" in lovelace will be used in the future to control African American[s] who voted at Mazzie Woodruff on 10-24-14 to 10-30-14:
Note: Ben Pickett is back at Carl Russell Recreation Center and causally mention that he had a "drug" problem outside on 10/28/14-which is a threat[because they do not want me using the computers more than three hours];which the people who live in "Boston" house who moved from happy hill gardens [when Picket started working at Carl Russell Rec.] to the "Boston's" house; and the "boston" family moved to happy hill gardens; being that ben picket was in control of the happy hill recreation center when they "stopped" "drugs" and was brought to Carver Road area to "start" the "drugs"-thus anytype of situation dealing in negative manner in area=comes from ben pickets boss and those who are in management in authority in the area; [as someone said, Carver Road area is more secure than fort knox]
Have been on computer for two hours; the post done [dissappeared]-whichit should not do because it it saved on a regular basis which means bastards took it;so will try to post some of what was done within hour;
1. New worker from the WSFC 5th street public library at CRB library; BIG African American female who serves well as a substitute for an AFrican American male [being that somebody has to do the physical hard work] if a library patron decided to intimidate those who intimidate them;-name melody-which is code to Melissa Williams that African American females who come into the CRB library are to be treated as BIG African American females; which means that they will probably have something put in their food or drinks[Note:1a-know because they did the same to me and saw them do the same to Joycelyn Johnson [alderman in 2009]:
"Home Value Dips Spark Anger"
March 2, 2013

[Joycelyn Johnson and Walter Marshall having a heated discussion][note:1b- Walter Marshall is person who suddenly, did not find [Melissa Williams/Sylvia Hamlin][CRB library] putting me out of the CRB library for no reason, to be as BIG an issue when he found out that a "PAULA" [worker at CRB library]was involved; later found out relative of Walter Marshall's is name "PAULette";
2. The Winston-Salem Journal, "Nation and World" setion; page A10; article"Nurse discharged, gets call from Obama"; by associated press:

"Nurse discharged, gets call from Obama"
Posted: Wednesday, October 29, 2014 5:35 am
[Amber Vinson, Dallas nurse ]
Maine nurse won't submit to Ebola quarantine, lawyer says
updated 4:19 PM EDT, Wed October 29, 2014
She hired a lawyer and spoke out about her isolation and was then transported to Maine"[Note:1c-African Americans encounter being put into isolation all the time; but do not have the options of hiring an attorney to stop the "isolation"; "ISOLATION and MAINE" -are code words=Isolate the main females;
"I remain appalled by these home quarantine policies that have been forced upon me."[Note 1d-African Americans have isolation forced on them all the time[why do you think you don't see African American[s] in the mix with a lot of white activities-it is not like African American[s] have so much going on in their neighborhoods:
"On CNN, Hickox attorney Steven Hyman said he thinks the next step is up to Maine"[Note:1e-Hickox is code for COCK;"dick"; "sex"; Steven Hyman-code-Steve=Steve WHITEheart; and HYman=HIGHman=WHITEheart is the HIGHman;
"Ebola" is code for sex and white male[s] control sex of African American females in the United States;
Note:1f- Out of all of the lawyers in the world/United States there is only STEVE-is not a coincidence;
3.Osteen-to force blacks into being gay in order to work in white male system without being attacked by white males:
Skyways and higways company =
4. While at Carl Russel Recreation Center in Winston-Salem, North Carolina there was a meeting in the "Carver SENIOR CITIZENS MULTI-PURPOSE ROOM #1; in which there was a class for [YOUNG] AFrican American[s]who want to start their own businesses that will teach them how to write a business proposal, business plan:
[email sent-Wednesday, October 29, 2014 2:22 PM]
[Picture taken:10/28/14;7:33pm];
Note: 1g- Senior Citizens Sign on door of Carl Russel Recreation Center[where when [YOUNG] African American[s] go into room and they shut the door is symbolic of [YOUNG] African American[s] giving up their "YOUTH"
Note: 1g[a] Senior citizens sign on door of Carl Russell Recreation Center;
When the [YOUNG] African American[s] who want to start a business entered the room to get a "class" in how to write a business proposal/business plan; to the white male system[s] the YOUNG AFrican Americans who are not conscious that they are giving up their "YOUTH" and from that point on will be considered "SENIOR" CITIZENS and will be required to give up their "YOUTH" life and will be automatically put in the category of being a "SENIOR CITIZEN-which is why there are no major corporations, businesses, etc. in the AFrican American neighborhoods, like on the white side of Winston-Salem, North Carolina, [Black[s] youthful life is taken away and they have to live the life of a "senior" citizen;
[Email sent-Wednesday, October 29, 2014 2:21 PM];
[picture taken:10/28/14;7:33pm];
Why African American[YOUTH] produce nothing-and their life is working to avoid the system[s] of confinement created by white male[s] for [YOUNG] African American[s]-who if live the [YOUNG] life they are considered to be competitors/therefore a threat to white males while on the otherhand WHITE young are considered to be "PARTNERS" with white males and therefore are allowed to create/develope any type of business [legal or illegal] that they can get away with;
He looks just like "BILLY" pluck [mail man for Carver School Road area];
[Note: 1h-Posted on 10/28/14; that to avoid the white male system[s] is like the jews trying to avoid Nazi's and the picture above explains why: whatever and I mean whatever is happening in the AFrican American neighborhoods, whitemales control/and if they don't control the situation, they controlthe person-[usally the African American female prostitute who is working for them in secret to rob/steal/kill/ separate African American[s] from their [youth and wealth] based upon BLACK WALLSTREET before white males destroyed it];But blacks control absolutely nothing in white male system[s]-not even the man in the brown skin in the house that is white-he does what he is told to do[Note:1i-why he plays golf all the time and acts like he is at a party because he knows he controls "nothing";
While "young whites are busy creating businesses, [YOUNG] African Americans have to fight for the right just to exist and spend all their time[wheather they know it or not] avoiding white male system[s] designed to put [YOUNG] African Americans into confinement;[Note:1j- which is "COMMON knowledge-the school to prison pipeline];
Think that it is interesting that on the back end or should I say black end[white male stealing the YOUTH of African American[s] who want to start a "BUSINESS":
While at the front ent[or should I say white end, the Winston-Salem Journal is "showcasing" the young whites who will be starting a business[without even having to take classes from the city]:

The white male and female will start small with their golf cart transportation service - one cart.
Which think it is interesting that city shut down the trolley car[driven by African American female] and now white male to start same type of service:[note: the "MARSHALL "sign" over the white male's head=not a coincidence; they all work as "ONE";
Note: 2b-The word "LOVE" in lovelace will be used in the future to control African American[s] who voted at Mazzie Woodruff on 10-24-14 to 10-30-14:
Note:2c-Secret threat to blacks when/as/while they vote and 'the local African Americans"
Considered okay because it is "holloween";
Note:2d-Blogged about United Way[and the partnership of white males which is why and how AFrican American[s] are robbed and separated from their wealth as African American[s]
Note: 2e-African American female prostitute working in secret for white males to help rob/steal/kill African American[s] to keep African American[s] seperated from black wealth based on Black Wall street where African American[s] are not subservant to white males;
Note: Ben Pickett is back at Carl Russell Recreation Center and causally mention that he had a "drug" problem outside on 10/28/14-which is a threat[because they do not want me using the computers more than three hours];which the people who live in "Boston" house who moved from happy hill gardens [when Picket started working at Carl Russell Rec.] to the "Boston's" house; and the "boston" family moved to happy hill gardens; being that ben picket was in control of the happy hill recreation center when they "stopped" "drugs" and was brought to Carver Road area to "start" the "drugs"-thus anytype of situation dealing in negative manner in area=comes from ben pickets boss and those who are in management in authority in the area; [as someone said, Carver Road area is more secure than fort knox]