Michael Brown, Furgurson, Mo., Winston-Salem, N.C., Wake Forest University, Carver Road Branch Library
Note: 1n-to sum up portion of blog[s] post of experiences in "Winston-Salem,NC is designed for African Americans to stuggle and suffer":
1. Walked to CRB library, where turn the corner [white store]-African American female prostitute working in secret for white males in new [BLUE and white] authority vehicle turned right off of Carver Road on to the street was turning left;means white male system[s] is using their African American female prostitute that work in secret to [harass, intimidate, abuse, kill, steal] from African American females who are not prostitutes who work in secret for white males; along with the NEW security guard at CRB library[Carl][like in "Carl Marx"];
2.Winston-Salem Journal [hard copy] Upper right hand corner;front page is title of article:
"SEXTON: Politics is still profitable field for Vernon "ROBINSON"; A"4" [code-African American female prostitutes working in secret for white males=know it looks bad; but white male robbers working;
[Katherine Fansler]
"Fansler submitted the recount request Monday morning. About 300 votes – a margin of less than 1 percent – separate her from third-place finisher "MARK JOHNSON", a Republican"
4.Article in the Winston-Salem Chronicle; front page; hard copy is the article:

Which is code- to local AFrican American female prostitutes working for white males in secret that they are to follow the white male "DEBRA" system=sybling who was murdered [and no one was ever brought forward through a public charge] girlfriend was name "DEBRA" when he was killed;[ http://wschronicle.com/2014/11/donahue-comes-equipped-to-lead-dss/];
Note: Which is code to those at "DSS"-where "Walter MARSHALL" who is presently sitting on the board of the "DSS" and who wanted answers from Carver Road Branch library of "why did they put me out without a reason"; until he found out that one of the females involved with harassing me had the same name of his spouse "PAULETTE" and then after the meeting; the issue of CRB putting me out for no reason was not a big issue; sitting on board of DSS;Thus-just like "JOHNnie TAYLOR has been given his instructions concerning the ROYAL BLUE bin issue; Walter MARSHALL has been given his instructions to give to "DEBRA"
"I call it the ‘I.T.’ factor. She gets it,” said Terry[Board Chair]
Evelyn Terry
"Board Chair Evelyn Terry said Donahue, the current director of Florence County (S.C.) DSS, is the "RIGHT" person for the job."
[Note: Evelyn Terry is very familar with the murder of sibling and those connected and was closely connected to close relative at the time of sibling murder and has benfited through understanding and manipulating the white male system; thus would be able to assist "Walter MARSHALL" in communicating to "DEBRA" white male instructions];
5.The Winston-salem Journal title on front page of [hard copy] version of article:
"No one prepares for something like this"
S.Wollaston (from left), TWIN City YOUTH Soccer Association executive director, MARK S. TWINS director of select soccer, JOHN Stubblefield, TWINS staff coach and assistant principal at Calvary Baptist Day School [CHURCH]and Dane Brenner, TWINS staff coach and assistant coach of men's soccer at WAKE FOREST remember Nathan [ANDREW]Clark during a press conference, Monday, Nov. 17, 2014 at the association's headquarters, BB&T [bank]Soccer Park. Nathan was killed Friday night when a bullet entered his Raleigh hotel room, where he was staying for a weekend soccer tournament.[which was preplanned] activity];
[Posted: Monday, November 17, 2014 9:00 pm;
The article ""No one prepares for something like this" is half true; the guy "VENDALL" was following instructions given; he knew where Nathan would be standing/sitting,etc. because one of the "coaches" were told where to have Nathan sitting/standing, etc.; One of the local news radio stations, [94.5fm,600wsjs,980am,88fm] stated that "VENDALL" is a professional criminal-means that he was constantly going in and out from behind bars; which made it easy for him mind to be programmed;
6.On November 15,2014 the Winston-Salem Journal front page[hard copy] was for white males and those in secret club to be prepared to alter the "TOTALS" [in negative manner]:
"Officials break ground on the Northern Beltway. From left are N.C. Rep. Ed Hanes, Winston-Salem Mayor Allen Joines, Secretary of Transportation Tony Tata, Rural Hall Mayor Larry Hall, Gov. Pat McCrory, N.C. Rep. Donny Lambeth, Walkertown Mayor Kenneth "Doc" Davis and Kernersville Mayor Dawn Morgan"[note: both articles [website and hardcopy have same title and date of print];
They say a picture is worth a thousand words: the picture is code to secret group members to get busy with system to ensure "K"ernersville [KKK] system begins[DAWN] and continues[MOR[e]gan];along with the other coded names- Mayor "JOIN[es]"; DOT[dept. of transportation]; Duke "ASH"spill;etc.]
7. Heard on the Steve Deace Show; l1/17/14 the question "WHERE ARE THE MEN?"-he was talking about the fact that the women are standing up; but there are no men to back them and Steve Deace wanted to know where are the men; and why are the men not standing up; which is PROOF that white male system[s] of robbery, stealing, abuse are in the process of doing to white male society; the same that has been done to African American[s]; which means Steve Deace's wife is probably in the process of being transformed in to a white female prostitute working for white males in secret; African American females have been yelling for decades that something is happening to take the men out of the AFrican American family; thus everybody looked to 'prison'; and now the mindset is that it[setting up African american males needs to stop; Just like African American females have asked "WHERE ARE THE MEN"?; now white[s] are asking where are the white males= which is PROOF the same system is being operated in white society;
Note: m0-Picture of male who came and sat of solid rock missionary baptist church-took out his cellphone [camera] and did not do any talking or texting:
[email sent-Monday, November 17, 2014 4:18 PM];
[picture taken:11/16/14; 12:39pm];
Note: m1-Picture off of televsion of closeup of kill message in dvd "nora's hair salon "2":
[email sent-Monday, November 17, 2014 4:18 PM]
[picture taken:
Note: m00-Picture of Carl the new harassing security guard at CRB library sent by the WSFC 5th Street main library[when they closed the public library operated based on the United States Constitution]; and in exchange the WSFC 5th Street main library took away all of the LAW books at the Carver Road Branch library:
[Email sent-Tuesday, November 18, 2014 1:33 PM
[Picture taken:11/17/14; 5:20pm];
Note: m11-Article in theWinston-Salem Journal; Novermber "13TH", 2014;
Trending toward secrets

[Email sent-Tuesday, November 18, 2014 2:48 PM]
[Email sent-Tuesday, November 18, 2014 3:43 PM
Note: 1n-to sum up portion of blog[s] post of experiences in "Winston-Salem,NC is designed for African Americans to stuggle and suffer":
1. Walked to CRB library, where turn the corner [white store]-African American female prostitute working in secret for white males in new [BLUE and white] authority vehicle turned right off of Carver Road on to the street was turning left;means white male system[s] is using their African American female prostitute that work in secret to [harass, intimidate, abuse, kill, steal] from African American females who are not prostitutes who work in secret for white males; along with the NEW security guard at CRB library[Carl][like in "Carl Marx"];
2.Winston-Salem Journal [hard copy] Upper right hand corner;front page is title of article:
"SEXTON: Politics is still profitable field for Vernon "ROBINSON"; A"4" [code-African American female prostitutes working in secret for white males=know it looks bad; but white male robbers working;
"Sexton: Vernon the Inferno back in political trenches"
[Posted: Monday, November 17, 2014 8:30 pm
3. Winston-Salem Journal [hard copy] far right; front page is the article:"Fansler calls for recount, files protest"
Hearing set for Thursday
[Posted: Monday, November 17, 2014 9:15 pm
[Katherine Fansler]
"Katherine Fansler, a Democratic candidate who was edged out of an at-large seat on the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools Board of Education, has requested a recount and filed an election protest."
"Fansler submitted the recount request Monday morning. About 300 votes – a margin of less than 1 percent – separate her from third-place finisher "MARK JOHNSON", a Republican"
4.Article in the Winston-Salem Chronicle; front page; hard copy is the article:
"Donahue comes equipped to lead DSS"
November 12, 2014
Which is code- to local AFrican American female prostitutes working for white males in secret that they are to follow the white male "DEBRA" system=sybling who was murdered [and no one was ever brought forward through a public charge] girlfriend was name "DEBRA" when he was killed;[ http://wschronicle.com/2014/11/donahue-comes-equipped-to-lead-dss/];
Note: Which is code to those at "DSS"-where "Walter MARSHALL" who is presently sitting on the board of the "DSS" and who wanted answers from Carver Road Branch library of "why did they put me out without a reason"; until he found out that one of the females involved with harassing me had the same name of his spouse "PAULETTE" and then after the meeting; the issue of CRB putting me out for no reason was not a big issue; sitting on board of DSS;Thus-just like "JOHNnie TAYLOR has been given his instructions concerning the ROYAL BLUE bin issue; Walter MARSHALL has been given his instructions to give to "DEBRA"
"I call it the ‘I.T.’ factor. She gets it,” said Terry[Board Chair]
Evelyn Terry
"Board Chair Evelyn Terry said Donahue, the current director of Florence County (S.C.) DSS, is the "RIGHT" person for the job."
[Note: Evelyn Terry is very familar with the murder of sibling and those connected and was closely connected to close relative at the time of sibling murder and has benfited through understanding and manipulating the white male system; thus would be able to assist "Walter MARSHALL" in communicating to "DEBRA" white male instructions];
5.The Winston-salem Journal title on front page of [hard copy] version of article:
"No one prepares for something like this"

S.Wollaston (from left), TWIN City YOUTH Soccer Association executive director, MARK S. TWINS director of select soccer, JOHN Stubblefield, TWINS staff coach and assistant principal at Calvary Baptist Day School [CHURCH]and Dane Brenner, TWINS staff coach and assistant coach of men's soccer at WAKE FOREST remember Nathan [ANDREW]Clark during a press conference, Monday, Nov. 17, 2014 at the association's headquarters, BB&T [bank]Soccer Park. Nathan was killed Friday night when a bullet entered his Raleigh hotel room, where he was staying for a weekend soccer tournament.[which was preplanned] activity];
[Posted: Monday, November 17, 2014 9:00 pm;
‘No one prepares for something like this’ 'He always played with an incredible smile on his face'
[The article ""No one prepares for something like this" is half true; the guy "VENDALL" was following instructions given; he knew where Nathan would be standing/sitting,etc. because one of the "coaches" were told where to have Nathan sitting/standing, etc.; One of the local news radio stations, [94.5fm,600wsjs,980am,88fm] stated that "VENDALL" is a professional criminal-means that he was constantly going in and out from behind bars; which made it easy for him mind to be programmed;
Note: Notice the royal blue uniform in the background of picture;6.On November 15,2014 the Winston-Salem Journal front page[hard copy] was for white males and those in secret club to be prepared to alter the "TOTALS" [in negative manner]:
"Road to the future"
After decades, work begins on Northern Beltway
"Officials break ground on the Northern Beltway. From left are N.C. Rep. Ed Hanes, Winston-Salem Mayor Allen Joines, Secretary of Transportation Tony Tata, Rural Hall Mayor Larry Hall, Gov. Pat McCrory, N.C. Rep. Donny Lambeth, Walkertown Mayor Kenneth "Doc" Davis and Kernersville Mayor Dawn Morgan"[note: both articles [website and hardcopy have same title and date of print];
[Posted: Saturday, November 15, 2014 5:20 am
They say a picture is worth a thousand words: the picture is code to secret group members to get busy with system to ensure "K"ernersville [KKK] system begins[DAWN] and continues[MOR[e]gan];along with the other coded names- Mayor "JOIN[es]"; DOT[dept. of transportation]; Duke "ASH"spill;etc.]
7. Heard on the Steve Deace Show; l1/17/14 the question "WHERE ARE THE MEN?"-he was talking about the fact that the women are standing up; but there are no men to back them and Steve Deace wanted to know where are the men; and why are the men not standing up; which is PROOF that white male system[s] of robbery, stealing, abuse are in the process of doing to white male society; the same that has been done to African American[s]; which means Steve Deace's wife is probably in the process of being transformed in to a white female prostitute working for white males in secret; African American females have been yelling for decades that something is happening to take the men out of the AFrican American family; thus everybody looked to 'prison'; and now the mindset is that it[setting up African american males needs to stop; Just like African American females have asked "WHERE ARE THE MEN"?; now white[s] are asking where are the white males= which is PROOF the same system is being operated in white society;
Note: m0-Picture of male who came and sat of solid rock missionary baptist church-took out his cellphone [camera] and did not do any talking or texting:
[email sent-Monday, November 17, 2014 4:18 PM];
[picture taken:11/16/14; 12:39pm];
Note: m1-Picture off of televsion of closeup of kill message in dvd "nora's hair salon "2":
[email sent-Monday, November 17, 2014 4:18 PM]
[picture taken:
Note: m00-Picture of Carl the new harassing security guard at CRB library sent by the WSFC 5th Street main library[when they closed the public library operated based on the United States Constitution]; and in exchange the WSFC 5th Street main library took away all of the LAW books at the Carver Road Branch library:
[Email sent-Tuesday, November 18, 2014 1:33 PM
[Picture taken:11/17/14; 5:20pm];
Note: m11-Article in theWinston-Salem Journal; Novermber "13TH", 2014;
"Sexton: Johnson situation highlights creep toward secrecy"
[Posted: Thursday, November 13, 2014 12:00 amTrending toward secrets

""VIC" JOHNson"
[Note: Vic JOHNson name is used to communicate what "VIC" at Carver Road Christian Church is doing/agreeing to like: "Trending toward secrets"
Note: m12-Picture of black male secret club member [drive a white van] who assists white males at carver road branch library;
[Picture taken:11/17/14;4:19pm];
Note:he works with Melissa Williams and to communicate to white males that he is working for them: sat in chair at research computer after got up; usually change the 'chairs';
Note: m13-Picture taken of research computer at Carver Road Branch library where after reserved computer; zack[white] male poster that the computer is reserved for someone else during the time that I sign up to reserve the research computer:
[email sent-Tuesday, November 18, 2014 2:53 PM]
[picture taken:11/18/14;12:46pm];
Picture taken of message sent from "SHEY"[at Carver Road Branch library staff member] that the number put in was wrong and to put the "right" number in; problem is that I never touched the screen the message just popped up; when looked around at who was at the front desk,"SHEY" was only one at the desk; and seemed a little peeved[sp] and nervous, like she had been caught doing something she should not have been doing;
[Email sent:Tuesday, November 18, 2014 3:31 PM]
[Picture taken:11/18/14;2:51pm];
Note: Shey [employee at CRB library put up book[s] titled:
Note: m18-Front page of Winston-Salem Chronicle concerning Johnnie Taylor being given message that he will SOAR/be paid if he do what they tell him about the ROYAL BLUE issue in the city of Winston-salem, NC
[picture taken:
[http://stevedeace.com/] Steve Deace radio show