506-Micahel Brown, Furgerson, Mo., Winston-salem,NC, Wake Forest University, Carver Road Branch Library
This is fifth time trying to posting of part of blog/keep getting cut off and part of blog will not post:
All I have ever wanted out of life was to live a life of peace, work a regular job, not a secret job that is qualified for based on education and qualifications, but it seems that that will never happen because the dam white male system[s] are determined that will not be so because for me as an African American [not subserviant to white males] means the death of white male[s] system[s], versus African American[s] who are slaves to white male[s],which means as long as white male[s] are in control of which African American[s] work in any capacity that African American[s][not subserviat to white male[s] plight will be those associated with Michael Brown/Eric Garner; don't care what illusion[s] are put before the white public because the African American public is not considered in the equation;
Bill Crosby is one of the perfect examples of why white male[s] want to keep control of which African American[s] work-because when an AFrican American has been raised economically by white male[s] system[s]; then the white male[s] control the direction and plight of that African American[s] life;Bill Crosby was raised up by white males, as one of the five women who was on CNN segment discussing what Bill Crosby had done to her stated, "Bill Crosby is a "symbol";
SYMBOL:1- an action, object, event, etc., that expresses or represents a particular idea or quality;
Synonyms ensign, hallmark, impresa, logo, symbol, totem, trademark;[http://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/symbol];
Bill Crosby is a "symbol" and he is being knocked down like the "TWIN TOWERS" world trade center;
Note: 12-8-2014 when woke up at. Sticht center- was extremely more sluggish than normal and blood was on. sheet,which was not there when made chairbed up last night- this morning white male will was made charge nurse-dont kmw what they did to my body or what they did with my blood;

[Email sent-Monday, December 8, 2014 1:46 PM];
[Picture taken:12/8/14;10:51am];
When I put the sheets on the pullout sofa chair they were all white and there was nothing on my midruff that was "red"; however did look at area where blood was located on sheet and there was a bruise on my stomach over my belly button that was not there the day before[being that access to honest doctors is presently an illusion for me, have to act as personal healer to myself]:[note: the blood stain spot on the sheet is same type of blood stain that was in the panties of relative child that came home with blood in her vigina[who Davita Martin helped "CHARLES" to not be charged][notee:white males made TV series[hindsight] Charles in charge-to let members of secret group know what was happening]
"CHARLES" in Charge (1984–1990)
Note: my sibling was murdered in 1990 when the "Charles in charge" series ended:[now bastards trying to operate the same system, which is why the rioting/marching in the streets-will be the same results/systems-new face on old system:
Note:Mysterious bruises on stomch while sleep at the Stitcht center:
[Email sent-Monday, December 8, 2014 9:28 AM]
[Picture taken:12/8/14;10:52am];
Being that slept in pants thought maybe the blood came from my belt buckle; but that cannot be because if it came from my belt buckle there was be a scratch and a sore; which there is not; but a needle could cause a bruised area that would have leaked blood onto a sheet;
Being that the bastards are so confident and sure of themselves that they can do what they want to a person and keep doing it to the person to prove that white male is in charge;why people attack other people who appear to be innoncent but the person who does the attacking knows that the person is part of the system that is abusing them:
For example: One of the white females who accused Bill Crosby of sexual abuse stated that," Crosy's "PATTERN OF BEHAVIOR" had to be known by lots of people who created the environment by surrounding and shielding Bill Crosby's actions";[note: what is happening to Bill Crosby-being knocked down is the same thing that happened to the "TWIN TOWERS"-the World Trade Center;except instead of it being a building it is an African American male raised by white male system[s]];
In other words Bill Crosby did not get there all by himself, he had a whole group of people working behind the scences in "secret" to help "hide" his mis behavior; which is what the Gwyndolyn Gwyn group is suppose to be doing for the white male authority in Winston-Salem, NC-in the "hiding" of the stealing of the "TWIN" child;
And why the "security guard[s]" placed at the WSFC main and CRB public libraries- to harass, intimidate person/people for white male authority because of the expectation that the person/people should/suppose to attack others because they know that the "people are helping white males create enviornment to help white males steal, rob, kill, abuse them"etc." like the stealing of "TWIN" child;[note: which have identified some of the lots of people on blog];
Of which is why Dutches Kate and Prince William are in the United States; the beginning of the new system to "ROB" African American[s] all over again-even after all the rioting and marching in cities all over the United States, which is a cover up and being controlled by the same white males with Michael Brown and Eric Garner being used as "symbols":

[The royal couple taking in an NBA game. ]
[note: notice all of the "K"[s] in the picture of the "sign"[symbol]under Prince Williams to communicate [that Prince Williams is all in]to the members of the new system of "Robbery" of African American[s]:by the 311;"3-K";[KKK]This is fifth time trying to posting of part of blog/keep getting cut off and part of blog will not post:
All I have ever wanted out of life was to live a life of peace, work a regular job, not a secret job that is qualified for based on education and qualifications, but it seems that that will never happen because the dam white male system[s] are determined that will not be so because for me as an African American [not subserviant to white males] means the death of white male[s] system[s], versus African American[s] who are slaves to white male[s],which means as long as white male[s] are in control of which African American[s] work in any capacity that African American[s][not subserviat to white male[s] plight will be those associated with Michael Brown/Eric Garner; don't care what illusion[s] are put before the white public because the African American public is not considered in the equation;
Bill Crosby is one of the perfect examples of why white male[s] want to keep control of which African American[s] work-because when an AFrican American has been raised economically by white male[s] system[s]; then the white male[s] control the direction and plight of that African American[s] life;Bill Crosby was raised up by white males, as one of the five women who was on CNN segment discussing what Bill Crosby had done to her stated, "Bill Crosby is a "symbol";
SYMBOL:1- an action, object, event, etc., that expresses or represents a particular idea or quality;
Symbol: 3- Psychology An object or image that an individual unconsciously uses to represent repressed thoughts, feelings, or impulses: a phallic symbol.[http://www.thefreedictionary.com/symbol];
Symbol: 1- something that represents or stands for something else, usually by convention or association, esp a material object used to represent something abstract;[http://www.thefreedictionary.com/symbol];
Symbol: Also called sign.[http://www.thefreedictionary.com/symbol];SIGN: 5b-a posted COMMAND, WARNING or DIRECTION;[ http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/sign];
Synonyms ensign, hallmark, impresa, logo, symbol, totem, trademark;[http://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/symbol];
Bill Crosby is a "symbol" and he is being knocked down like the "TWIN TOWERS" world trade center;
Note: 12-8-2014 when woke up at. Sticht center- was extremely more sluggish than normal and blood was on. sheet,which was not there when made chairbed up last night- this morning white male will was made charge nurse-dont kmw what they did to my body or what they did with my blood;

[Email sent-Monday, December 8, 2014 1:46 PM];
[Picture taken:12/8/14;10:51am];
"CHARLES" in Charge (1984–1990)
Note: my sibling was murdered in 1990 when the "Charles in charge" series ended:[now bastards trying to operate the same system, which is why the rioting/marching in the streets-will be the same results/systems-new face on old system:
Note:Mysterious bruises on stomch while sleep at the Stitcht center:
[Email sent-Monday, December 8, 2014 9:28 AM]
[Picture taken:12/8/14;10:52am];
Being that slept in pants thought maybe the blood came from my belt buckle; but that cannot be because if it came from my belt buckle there was be a scratch and a sore; which there is not; but a needle could cause a bruised area that would have leaked blood onto a sheet;
Being that the bastards are so confident and sure of themselves that they can do what they want to a person and keep doing it to the person to prove that white male is in charge;why people attack other people who appear to be innoncent but the person who does the attacking knows that the person is part of the system that is abusing them:
For example: One of the white females who accused Bill Crosby of sexual abuse stated that," Crosy's "PATTERN OF BEHAVIOR" had to be known by lots of people who created the environment by surrounding and shielding Bill Crosby's actions";[note: what is happening to Bill Crosby-being knocked down is the same thing that happened to the "TWIN TOWERS"-the World Trade Center;except instead of it being a building it is an African American male raised by white male system[s]];
In other words Bill Crosby did not get there all by himself, he had a whole group of people working behind the scences in "secret" to help "hide" his mis behavior; which is what the Gwyndolyn Gwyn group is suppose to be doing for the white male authority in Winston-Salem, NC-in the "hiding" of the stealing of the "TWIN" child;
And why the "security guard[s]" placed at the WSFC main and CRB public libraries- to harass, intimidate person/people for white male authority because of the expectation that the person/people should/suppose to attack others because they know that the "people are helping white males create enviornment to help white males steal, rob, kill, abuse them"etc." like the stealing of "TWIN" child;[note: which have identified some of the lots of people on blog];
Of which is why Dutches Kate and Prince William are in the United States; the beginning of the new system to "ROB" African American[s] all over again-even after all the rioting and marching in cities all over the United States, which is a cover up and being controlled by the same white males with Michael Brown and Eric Garner being used as "symbols":

[The royal couple taking in an NBA game. ]
which is why Dutches Kate and Prince William met JayZ[the pimp] and Beyonce[the prostitute working for white males in secret];Does anyone think it "strange" for one of the first females of "royality" from Britian[outside of the United States] to meet with one of the head prostitutes[ Beyoncé of Creole descent and often wears revealing clothing]http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0461498/bio][who is buying a house with Jay Z in Miami as well as in London, England.];[note:Beyonce and JayZ are working for white people in the United States and England-in which England is where "slave owners" orginated]:

[note: there are NO pictures that show the front of jayz and beyonce=the are black n-gg-ers and white males in england and the united states in process of setting the dummies up like jayz and beyonce setting up and stealing from African American[s]];
Note: One of Beyonces experiences that communicated code names she is to use:"Along with Nicole Richie-note-code name Nicole and RICH;, Veronica Webb, Kelly Osbourne[code name KELLY;, Angie Everhart-note-code name "HART"[like Steve whitehart], Alexandra Richards[note-code name-ALEX], Irina Pantaeva, Marisa Miller, Wyclef Jean, Rachel Hunter, Naomi Campbell and Janice Dickinson[code name DICK;, she participated in the "Fashion for Relief" show on September 16, 2005 in New York, a benefit for AmeriCares to support victims for Hurricane Katrina. GWEN Stefani and Gavin Rossdale were among the celebrities who attended."[NOTE:code name "Gwyn" connection];[http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0461498/bio];
The use of the "TWIN TOWER" being knocked down will be used in the building up of white male new system of "ROBBERY" of AFrican American[s] in the United States, which is "why" Prince William and Duchess Kate spent "ALL" their time taking pictures with "AFrican American[s]" versus "WHITE" people:
"Prince William, Duchess Kate pay their respects at 9/11 Museum"
The Duke & Duchess of have a moment of reflection at the @Sept11Memorial before they tour the Museum #RoyalVisitUSA;10:22 AM - 9 Dec 2014[note:number 9 is thenumber of "birth"];
Everything done to rob African American[s] is done in public; like the building of a 2nd system off of the "TWIN Towers":
Kate laid a bouquet at one of the reflection pools. In a note she attached to the flowers, she wrote: "In sorrowful memory of those who died on 11th September and in admiration of the courage shown to rebuild."[http://www.today.com/news/prince-william-duchess-kate-meet-americas-royalty-jay-z-beyonce-1D80347683#prince-william-duchess-kate-meet-americas-royalty-jay-z-beyonce-1D80347683];
Note: REBUILD is referring to all of the rioting and protesting going on in the street and to communicate to Prince William and dutchess Kate that all is well and they are in no danger; the protesters/marchers and rioters [controlled by WHITE male system[s] all LAID DOWN[no violence or struggle-total submission] in front of the " Barclays Center"[ http://www.barclays.com/]
which is code for "MONEY"[Barclays is a financial institution which focuses in on investment strategies]:
Barclay's - "Purpose and Values":
"We’ll measure and reward our people, not just on commercial results, but on how they live our Values and bring them to life every day."
[which is why The "DUKE"[name of team that guy who wants to date me is a fan] and dutchess went to the "Barclay's Center"[being that Barclay's financial corp is in 50 or more countries];
Later in the day, William will visit the Empire State Building and both of them will end their trip with a black-tie fundraiser for the couple’s alma matter, the University of St. Andrews, the Scottish institution where William and Kate first met. Prince William and actor Tom Hanks, whose daughter attended the school, will be speaking at the event.
On Monday evening, Prince William and Duchess Kate held royal court in a much-anticipated meeting with that other power couple, Jay Z and "Queen Bey" Beyonce";[note: have blogged about Beyonce [helping white males in United States to rob AFrican American[s] of wealth,especially children by bringing in children from another country];[http://www.today.com/news/prince-william-duchess-kate-meet-americas-royalty-jay-z-beyonce-1D80347683#prince-william-duchess-kate-meet-americas-royalty-jay-z-beyonce-1D80347683];
By Prince william and Duchess Kate going to visit the "EMPIRE" state building it was to communicate the beginning of the building of a NEW EMPIRE like the "empire" built off of the "TWIN TOWERS"; and the visit to ST. Andrews is to communicate the fortune is connected to the name of "ANDREWS"; and Tom Hanks (who was just given lifetime achievement award [tom hanks daughter will be one of the main elements connected withthe building of the new empire with the code name "TOM" meaning "KILL"]:
"Washington (AFP) - An Englishman in New York was the toast of Washington as British pop star Sting was feted with fellow recipients of this year's Kennedy Center Honors."[http://news.yahoo.com/sting-feted-kennedy-center-honors-022234678.html][Note: code names like sting/green[money]and an person from "England" are all codes of secret system];
And last but not least the code is to kill/steal/sting AFrican American[s] children of "wealth":
The duke and duchess then met up with another monarch, LeBron “KING” James:
The Duke & Duchess of have a moment of reflection at the @Sept11Memorial before they tour the Museum #RoyalVisitUSA;10:22 AM - 9 Dec 2014[note:number 9 is thenumber of "birth"];
Everything done to rob African American[s] is done in public; like the building of a 2nd system off of the "TWIN Towers":
Kate laid a bouquet at one of the reflection pools. In a note she attached to the flowers, she wrote: "In sorrowful memory of those who died on 11th September and in admiration of the courage shown to rebuild."[http://www.today.com/news/prince-william-duchess-kate-meet-americas-royalty-jay-z-beyonce-1D80347683#prince-william-duchess-kate-meet-americas-royalty-jay-z-beyonce-1D80347683];
Note: REBUILD is referring to all of the rioting and protesting going on in the street and to communicate to Prince William and dutchess Kate that all is well and they are in no danger; the protesters/marchers and rioters [controlled by WHITE male system[s] all LAID DOWN[no violence or struggle-total submission] in front of the " Barclays Center"[ http://www.barclays.com/]
which is code for "MONEY"[Barclays is a financial institution which focuses in on investment strategies]:
Barclay's - "Purpose and Values":
"We’ll measure and reward our people, not just on commercial results, but on how they live our Values and bring them to life every day."
[which is why The "DUKE"[name of team that guy who wants to date me is a fan] and dutchess went to the "Barclay's Center"[being that Barclay's financial corp is in 50 or more countries];
Later in the day, William will visit the Empire State Building and both of them will end their trip with a black-tie fundraiser for the couple’s alma matter, the University of St. Andrews, the Scottish institution where William and Kate first met. Prince William and actor Tom Hanks, whose daughter attended the school, will be speaking at the event.
On Monday evening, Prince William and Duchess Kate held royal court in a much-anticipated meeting with that other power couple, Jay Z and "Queen Bey" Beyonce";[note: have blogged about Beyonce [helping white males in United States to rob AFrican American[s] of wealth,especially children by bringing in children from another country];[http://www.today.com/news/prince-william-duchess-kate-meet-americas-royalty-jay-z-beyonce-1D80347683#prince-william-duchess-kate-meet-americas-royalty-jay-z-beyonce-1D80347683];
By Prince william and Duchess Kate going to visit the "EMPIRE" state building it was to communicate the beginning of the building of a NEW EMPIRE like the "empire" built off of the "TWIN TOWERS"; and the visit to ST. Andrews is to communicate the fortune is connected to the name of "ANDREWS"; and Tom Hanks (who was just given lifetime achievement award [tom hanks daughter will be one of the main elements connected withthe building of the new empire with the code name "TOM" meaning "KILL"]:
"Washington (AFP) - An Englishman in New York was the toast of Washington as British pop star Sting was feted with fellow recipients of this year's Kennedy Center Honors."[http://news.yahoo.com/sting-feted-kennedy-center-honors-022234678.html][Note: code names like sting/green[money]and an person from "England" are all codes of secret system];
And last but not least the code is to kill/steal/sting AFrican American[s] children of "wealth":
The duke and duchess then met up with another monarch, LeBron “KING” James:
[The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge pose with LeBron James backstage Monday.]
[Note: Prince William holding up #1GEORGE"[code for "MONEY" and KING" code to those such as Ellen KING and Gwydolyn Gwyn group that "KING" vs living as a free citizen of the United States is still in charge[charles]; King James is name of type of "BIBLE"-code to African American churches;
*Note:Dr. LOVorn in the far right corner; person visiting ONLY allowed to have white people around them to stop knowledge from benefiting the AFrcian American[s];

[Email sent-Monday, December 8, 2014 10:48 AM];
[Picture taken:
12-8-14 board and message from white males -that they control-person surrounded by all white -that only love allowed for african american females in white society is name of love and they decide the love situation that is suppose to be in person,s life-why dr. LOVorn is peron,s dr, to send message that, Cant have orignal love in my life of guy who wants to date me in life or white males will auack me or guy who wants to date me or any african american male who has a romantic interest in me and the white males solution is to not attack person at stitcht center and give them dr. Lovorn to send message that is suppose to be only love white males allow in life
Note: A good example of what African American[s] go through everyday all day long is like what "Heather Cho" went through when she was probably given nuts in a plastic bag instead of in a "dish"[which based upon my little knowledge of their culture represented the attendent dishonoring her,therefore dishonoring her family and heritage];African American[s] encounter such situations all day long, so much so that African American[s] would not have time to do anything thing else if they focused on correcting or sending the message back like "Heather Cho" who had them to return the plane to its gate to expel the cabin crew chief;99.99% of African American[s] have no outlet-which is why they are in the streets rioting and marching:********8
"First class macadamia nut case prompts Korean Air exec to step down"
[By Ju-min Park]SEOUL (Reuters) - A Korean Air Lines Co executive, whose dismay over the way she was served macadamia nuts led to a plane returning to its gate to expel the cabin crew chief
Korean Air apologized for Friday's incident at New York's John F. Kennedy International Airport in which Heather Cho, a vice president of the airline, took issue with a crew member for substandard service
By the crew member serving "Heather Cho" an item in a plastic bag[representing a lower status] instead of in a "dish"[representing a higher status];was only following the secert code-ONLY white males allowed to recieve higher status-everybody else is to get plastic bags[play on terms-like a body bag;but true];
Note: Article is about male who gets 33 months for threatening a person; I have decades of threats communicated and not one person had or will ever get "months" or a"day" for threatening me; they [like Melissa Williams, Sharlene Edwards, Carl the security guard at CRBL, and others blogged about] are ususally rewarded for threatening person not a member of secret club:
"New Yorker gets 33 months for threatening Hawaii congresswoman"
Note: Male that got 33 months probably was not a member of their secret club; if he had been harassing the female [even the congresswoman for the secret club-he would have gotten no time;which has been talked about by the white boy radio network-with all of "2008" BAILOUT-not one CEO got a"day" let alone a "month";
[note: all protestors looking for members of secret group helping white males to steal, kill, rob AFrican American[s] only need to come to Winston-Salem[where all so called black leaders have been bought] and select any body who has been working for long periord and you have them;
note; bastasrds at Stitch have stole sunglasses and gloves];
noste: bastards in Carver School Road area stole pepepermint buble bath] and white male sitting behind me waiting for me to get off of computer at Millers Recreation Center; JOHN JOHN[white boy just left out]=harassment;
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