507-Michael Brown, Furgerson, Mo., Winston-Salem, NC, Wake Forest University,Carver road Branch Library
Note: When googled Winston Salem Journal and Winston-Salem Chronicle as usually do-neither came up;
NOTE: Dr. LOVorn came into person's room and casually mentioned while looking at me they person got a shot in the stomach to stop blood clots=confirmation-was the white bitches way of telling me they gave me a shot in the stomach while I was sleep;
Note: Personally prefer nonviolent, intelligent manners of accomplishing objectives;
Note: Everybody else in the country is marching and rioting because of the abuse of white male authority; but in Winston-Salem, NC the lead article is: "POL_CE: TEENS RACing at 100mph when "2" killed":
Code- to local AFrican American female prostitutes working in secret for white males=if blacks[because ONLY the AFrican American female is recognized by white male as head of household] riot there will be a lot of accidents by vehicles in the City of Winston-Salem =system of control;
A. When beyonce met Prince William and Duchess Kate; Beyonce was introduced to Prince William first; then to Duchess Kate-while Jay Z was being introduced to Prince William second-[code-Prince William is to look to beyonce as head; not Jay Z[African American male raised in the United States by African American mother and father]; and white males will eventually informed Prince William that beyonce is a prostitute working for white males in secret-what an insult to Duchess Kate;
The articles on the front page of the Winston-Salem Chronicle and Winston-Salem Journal are related to "children" :
"Black students accuse campus cops of bias"
Under the above article is article titled, "SPECIAL EFFECTS" by Jenny Drabble; which is about the "K"ernersville company's "blinkies" taking the country by storm" which is code- for rioting all over the United States is controlled by white males specifically those connected with the "K"'s;
[ANDREW Dye/Journal]
Roger Briles, owner of Roger's Products Inc., poses for a picture with a strand of his lights, Blinkies, in the shop where they were originally created and produced on Friday, Dec. 5, 2014 in Kernersville, N.C.;
[http://www.journalnow.com/news/local/million-investment-to-bring-wake-forest-baptist-s-educational-facilities/article_1537d04e-7eee-11e4-b966-b76909516f47.html?mode=image];[note: pictures with name "ANDREW" is a code name to secret group]:

[Prince William and Duchess Kate look at a portion of the North Tower antenna during a tour of the National 9/11 Memorial & Museum]
"Later in the day, William will visit the Empire State Building and both of them will end their trip with a black-tie fundraiser for the couple’s alma matter, the University of St. Andrews, the Scottish institution where William and Kate first met. Prince William and actor Tom Hanks, whose daughter attended the school, will be speaking at the event."
"Special Effects Kernersville company's creation taking country by storm"
[Posted: Tuesday, December 9, 2014 8:45 pm
The other article in the Winston-Salem Chronicle:
[note: all I can say is look at the last four to five issues of either the Winston-salem Journal or the Winston-Salem Chronicle and all the articles are communicating threats-to AFrican American[s] prostitutes working for white males in secret who usually have the jobs that they better discourage family members from marching/rioting in the streets];
Note: White male "WILL" short for "willie" and part of white male secret group harassment;
Note: Royal blue car pulled at end of street and just stopped [harassment/tacking]when came home from Salavation Army:
[Email sent-Thursday, December 4, 2014 6:12 PM];
I just stood in the middle of the street and did not move; the car did not move till I moved;
Note: On white side of town, Queen Street Apts. offer "FREE" "WATER" to white[s]people:
[email sent:Wednesday, December 10, 2014 12:33 PM];
[Picture taken:12/10/14;5:13pm];
and to AFrican American[s] on the black side of town, Cleveland white males msyteriously cause the "bill" to be $3,000.00 like at New Hope Manor Apts. for Randell Lindsay:
"Randall Lindsay stands outside of his New Hope Manor apartment.) A 54-year-old disabled man unable to pay his more than $3,000 water bill may soon be without service, while the city and his landlord point fingers at each other...";Posted On 12 Nov 2014; By Chanel Davis]; where Richie BROOKS[director of comm.buss. dev.] is code to end[with brooks code for end] African American[s] access to "water":
Note: Robbery of "V" and "T"; have noticed that when people driving from one location to another location authority vehicles with "V" or "T" appear in front as if lead car; which is the white male system of robbery of C.W.'s bloodline by white males:
[Email sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2014 12:34 PM];
[Picture Taken:12/10/14;11:59am]
"T" stands for the African American male who five[5] white male authority took down like Michael Brown/Eric Garner[which if anyone took time to look into would find that most African American males brought down by white male authority are connected to bloodline of wealth[LOT OF MONEY] based on the BLACK Wall street that was destroyed by white male authority in Greenwood, Tulsa, Oklahoma, (aka "Black Wall Street"), home to many prominent black businessmen. Location of the 1921 Tulsa Race Riot of Whites against Blacks, "one of the most devastating massacres in the history of US race relations".[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Black_Wall_Street];[note: Oklahoma is where white male authority started Sam's club when Gwyndolyn Gwyn group stole TWIN child in Winston-Salem, NC];[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greenwood,_Tulsa,_Oklahoma#.22The_Black_Wall_Street.22];
[NOTE: white males KNOW that there will be race riots and know AFrican Americans will resist being slaves to white males- and to ENSURE that African American[s] remain in bondage to white males and that AFrican American[s] do not do to white male communities what white male[s] did to the wealthest African American neighborhood that ever existed in the United States; white males put their African American female/male prostitutes in the front to control the race riots; To date do not think that with all of the marching and protesting throughout the United STates that there has been:
"The Tulsa race riot was a large-scale, racially motivated conflict on May 31 and June 1, 1921, in which a group of white people attacked the black community of Tulsa, Oklahoma. It resulted in the Greenwood District, also known as 'the Black Wall Street'[1] and the wealthiest black community in the United States, being burned to the ground"
A race riot of such a large-scale in which a group of black people attacked a white community that has resulted in any of the wealthiest White community in the United States being burned to the ground; however there has been black communities burned-because white males controlling/paying their black slaves to help them to continue to destroy AFrican American neighborhoods like when "The Black Wall Street" was destroyed by white male[s] system[s]:
The Perpetrators of the Tulsa race riots in 1921 were WHITE residents; specifically the "OKLAHOMA" National Guard [WHITE male authority]; and who shot Michael Brown and Eric Garner?-WHITE male authority-same color that started the riots in 1921 are the same color that started the riots in 2014;
Tavis Smilely said on CNN program that the current man in the brown skin in the house that is white is not taking advantage and seizing the moment-which is a lie; the man in the brown skin that was elected twice is taking advantage and seizing the moment-to help WHITE males of authority:
[President Barack Obama shares a "LAUGH" Friday with "Ash"ton Carter, his nominee for defense secretary.];[
to continue the robbery/theft and killing of AFrican American[s] who refuse to be subserviant to white males[note: name "ASH"ton is code to make "ASH" out of tons of African American[s] not subserviant to white males];
"Smoke and ash rise as the World Trade Center tower burns "

Which includes the locals being informed of the strategy for the new "ASH" system that is in the process of being developed in Winston-Salem, North Carolina:
Note: Did post on blog the fact that Winston-Salem, NC would be using the "medical" path to create the effects of "ash" by classifying "mental" issues first, then the need for "medical" which will lead to African American[s] being put in research without their permission and then lead to death:
"An artist rendering of the proposed Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center Medical Education Building in Winston-Salem."[http://www.journalnow.com/news/local/million-investment-to-bring-wake-forest-baptist-s-educational-facilities/article_1537d04e-7eee-11e4-b966-b76909516f47.html?mode=image];
Note:which there is a map in three of the Winston-Salem Journal articles that identify the areas where white males will identify AFrican American[s] who will not be subserviant to be classified as mental and then be used in research that will benefit ONLY the advancement of white male culture;
Note: Article in the Winston-Salem Journal, "Deadly days on the raods of theTriad by Michael Hewlett" will not come up when googled";
Note:White male worker at the Miller Recreation Center in Winston-Salem who was asked to check the schedule after Leah FRIEND[white female] who is in charge of the Miller Recreation Center told me the computer lab would be available until 6:00pm then came in at 4:30 pm and told me in a very nasty way that I had to leave because they had a group that would be in computer lab at 5:00pm; which the so called group came in around 4:45pm and consisted of little boy "JOHN"; old white female and old white male:
[Email sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2014 12:36 PM];
[Picture taken: 12/9/14;5:02pm];
Note:While at sticht building visiting relative who live beside authority-schedule put up with st,st-which st is part of my blog name-white male system gave st the meaning of speech therapy for relative who worked for white male authority in jails for 11 years-st does not mean speech therapy;
[Email sent:Sunday, November 23, 2014 12:52 PM]
Note:code to workers at the Stitcht center to tell person that was visiting at Stitcht center that it was their end:
Notice the TWO "K"s-code-the case is cristy-like crisp in burning;
[Email sent-Wednesday, December 10, 2014 12:44 PM]
[Picture taken:12/9/14;8:46am];
Note: When googled Winston Salem Journal and Winston-Salem Chronicle as usually do-neither came up;
NOTE: Dr. LOVorn came into person's room and casually mentioned while looking at me they person got a shot in the stomach to stop blood clots=confirmation-was the white bitches way of telling me they gave me a shot in the stomach while I was sleep;
Note: Personally prefer nonviolent, intelligent manners of accomplishing objectives;
Note: Everybody else in the country is marching and rioting because of the abuse of white male authority; but in Winston-Salem, NC the lead article is: "POL_CE: TEENS RACing at 100mph when "2" killed":
Code- to local AFrican American female prostitutes working in secret for white males=if blacks[because ONLY the AFrican American female is recognized by white male as head of household] riot there will be a lot of accidents by vehicles in the City of Winston-Salem =system of control;
A. When beyonce met Prince William and Duchess Kate; Beyonce was introduced to Prince William first; then to Duchess Kate-while Jay Z was being introduced to Prince William second-[code-Prince William is to look to beyonce as head; not Jay Z[African American male raised in the United States by African American mother and father]; and white males will eventually informed Prince William that beyonce is a prostitute working for white males in secret-what an insult to Duchess Kate;
The articles on the front page of the Winston-Salem Chronicle and Winston-Salem Journal are related to "children" :
"Black students accuse campus cops of bias"
"Ebron said black fraternity and sorority parties are given more scrutiny by campus police than events held by white Greek organizations. The first town hall, where students aired their grievances to faculty, exposed those concerns and others, such as minority students’ contention that they are asked for identification on campus a disproportionate number of times."Photo by Todd Luck Dr. Penny Rue, seated beside D’Andre Starnes, speaks
[ http://www.wschronicle.com/2014/11/wfu-responds-to-profiling-complaints/];Under the above article is article titled, "SPECIAL EFFECTS" by Jenny Drabble; which is about the "K"ernersville company's "blinkies" taking the country by storm" which is code- for rioting all over the United States is controlled by white males specifically those connected with the "K"'s;
[ANDREW Dye/Journal]
Roger Briles, owner of Roger's Products Inc., poses for a picture with a strand of his lights, Blinkies, in the shop where they were originally created and produced on Friday, Dec. 5, 2014 in Kernersville, N.C.;
[http://www.journalnow.com/news/local/million-investment-to-bring-wake-forest-baptist-s-educational-facilities/article_1537d04e-7eee-11e4-b966-b76909516f47.html?mode=image];[note: pictures with name "ANDREW" is a code name to secret group]:

[Prince William and Duchess Kate look at a portion of the North Tower antenna during a tour of the National 9/11 Memorial & Museum]
"Later in the day, William will visit the Empire State Building and both of them will end their trip with a black-tie fundraiser for the couple’s alma matter, the University of St. Andrews, the Scottish institution where William and Kate first met. Prince William and actor Tom Hanks, whose daughter attended the school, will be speaking at the event."
"Special Effects Kernersville company's creation taking country by storm"
[Posted: Tuesday, December 9, 2014 8:45 pm
The other article in the Winston-Salem Chronicle:
Campus cops hear students’ grievances
[Posted On 19 Nov 2014;By : Donna Rogers;[http://www.wschronicle.com/2014/11/campus-cops-hear-students-grievances/];
Note: White male "WILL" short for "willie" and part of white male secret group harassment;
[Email Sent-Monday, December 8, 2014 9:01 AM];
At person,s room at stitch center where asked to stay night because of misstreatment by staff and when I woke up there was blood on the white sheet that I slept on and a bruise over my belly button that was not there the night before and the following morning white male by name of will was assigned as charge nurse who was waiting outside hall bathroom and walked in front of me as harassment[and I was suppose to walk behind the bastard-I did not and I did not give permission to anyone to take my blood-when first came-about eight white males ran past black female security guard at the security desk-and am not agreeing to transfer anything that belongs to me in black culture to white culture -which is reason for white male[s] WILLwho was put in charge as charge nurse-suppose to be symbolic of black male who wants to date me with will in his name that white males have harassed-and to keep from being a michael brown or a eric garner - black male with WILL in his name tries to avoid white male harassment-which don't kmw what they did to my body or with my blood
Note: Royal blue car pulled at end of street and just stopped [harassment/tacking]when came home from Salavation Army:
[Email sent-Thursday, December 4, 2014 6:12 PM];
I just stood in the middle of the street and did not move; the car did not move till I moved;
Note: On white side of town, Queen Street Apts. offer "FREE" "WATER" to white[s]people:
[email sent:Wednesday, December 10, 2014 12:33 PM];
[Picture taken:12/10/14;5:13pm];
and to AFrican American[s] on the black side of town, Cleveland white males msyteriously cause the "bill" to be $3,000.00 like at New Hope Manor Apts. for Randell Lindsay:
"Randall Lindsay stands outside of his New Hope Manor apartment.) A 54-year-old disabled man unable to pay his more than $3,000 water bill may soon be without service, while the city and his landlord point fingers at each other...";Posted On 12 Nov 2014; By Chanel Davis]; where Richie BROOKS[director of comm.buss. dev.] is code to end[with brooks code for end] African American[s] access to "water":
Note: Robbery of "V" and "T"; have noticed that when people driving from one location to another location authority vehicles with "V" or "T" appear in front as if lead car; which is the white male system of robbery of C.W.'s bloodline by white males:
[Email sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2014 12:34 PM];
[Picture Taken:12/10/14;11:59am]
"T" stands for the African American male who five[5] white male authority took down like Michael Brown/Eric Garner[which if anyone took time to look into would find that most African American males brought down by white male authority are connected to bloodline of wealth[LOT OF MONEY] based on the BLACK Wall street that was destroyed by white male authority in Greenwood, Tulsa, Oklahoma, (aka "Black Wall Street"), home to many prominent black businessmen. Location of the 1921 Tulsa Race Riot of Whites against Blacks, "one of the most devastating massacres in the history of US race relations".[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Black_Wall_Street];[note: Oklahoma is where white male authority started Sam's club when Gwyndolyn Gwyn group stole TWIN child in Winston-Salem, NC];[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greenwood,_Tulsa,_Oklahoma#.22The_Black_Wall_Street.22];
[NOTE: white males KNOW that there will be race riots and know AFrican Americans will resist being slaves to white males- and to ENSURE that African American[s] remain in bondage to white males and that AFrican American[s] do not do to white male communities what white male[s] did to the wealthest African American neighborhood that ever existed in the United States; white males put their African American female/male prostitutes in the front to control the race riots; To date do not think that with all of the marching and protesting throughout the United STates that there has been:
"The Tulsa race riot was a large-scale, racially motivated conflict on May 31 and June 1, 1921, in which a group of white people attacked the black community of Tulsa, Oklahoma. It resulted in the Greenwood District, also known as 'the Black Wall Street'[1] and the wealthiest black community in the United States, being burned to the ground"
A race riot of such a large-scale in which a group of black people attacked a white community that has resulted in any of the wealthiest White community in the United States being burned to the ground; however there has been black communities burned-because white males controlling/paying their black slaves to help them to continue to destroy AFrican American neighborhoods like when "The Black Wall Street" was destroyed by white male[s] system[s]:
"Tulsa race riot"
Perpetrators: | White residents Oklahoma National Guard |
The Perpetrators of the Tulsa race riots in 1921 were WHITE residents; specifically the "OKLAHOMA" National Guard [WHITE male authority]; and who shot Michael Brown and Eric Garner?-WHITE male authority-same color that started the riots in 1921 are the same color that started the riots in 2014;
Tavis Smilely said on CNN program that the current man in the brown skin in the house that is white is not taking advantage and seizing the moment-which is a lie; the man in the brown skin that was elected twice is taking advantage and seizing the moment-to help WHITE males of authority:
[President Barack Obama shares a "LAUGH" Friday with "Ash"ton Carter, his nominee for defense secretary.];[
to continue the robbery/theft and killing of AFrican American[s] who refuse to be subserviant to white males[note: name "ASH"ton is code to make "ASH" out of tons of African American[s] not subserviant to white males];
"Obama shakes up Pentagon leadership, not policy"
[Posted: Saturday, December 6, 2014 7:35 am;"Smoke and ash rise as the World Trade Center tower burns "

Which includes the locals being informed of the strategy for the new "ASH" system that is in the process of being developed in Winston-Salem, North Carolina:
Note: Did post on blog the fact that Winston-Salem, NC would be using the "medical" path to create the effects of "ash" by classifying "mental" issues first, then the need for "medical" which will lead to African American[s] being put in research without their permission and then lead to death:
"$100 million investment to bring Wake Forest Baptist’s educational facilities downtown"
Posted: Monday, December 8, 2014 7:30 pm
"An artist rendering of the proposed Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center Medical Education Building in Winston-Salem."[http://www.journalnow.com/news/local/million-investment-to-bring-wake-forest-baptist-s-educational-facilities/article_1537d04e-7eee-11e4-b966-b76909516f47.html?mode=image];
Note:which there is a map in three of the Winston-Salem Journal articles that identify the areas where white males will identify AFrican American[s] who will not be subserviant to be classified as mental and then be used in research that will benefit ONLY the advancement of white male culture;
Note: Article in the Winston-Salem Journal, "Deadly days on the raods of theTriad by Michael Hewlett" will not come up when googled";
Note:White male worker at the Miller Recreation Center in Winston-Salem who was asked to check the schedule after Leah FRIEND[white female] who is in charge of the Miller Recreation Center told me the computer lab would be available until 6:00pm then came in at 4:30 pm and told me in a very nasty way that I had to leave because they had a group that would be in computer lab at 5:00pm; which the so called group came in around 4:45pm and consisted of little boy "JOHN"; old white female and old white male:
[Email sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2014 12:36 PM];
[Picture taken: 12/9/14;5:02pm];
Note:While at sticht building visiting relative who live beside authority-schedule put up with st,st-which st is part of my blog name-white male system gave st the meaning of speech therapy for relative who worked for white male authority in jails for 11 years-st does not mean speech therapy;
[Email sent:Sunday, November 23, 2014 12:52 PM]
Note:code to workers at the Stitcht center to tell person that was visiting at Stitcht center that it was their end:
Notice the TWO "K"s-code-the case is cristy-like crisp in burning;
[Email sent-Wednesday, December 10, 2014 12:44 PM]
[Picture taken:12/9/14;8:46am];
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