508-Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo., Winston-Salem, N.C.,Wake Forest University, Carver Road Branch Library
Today is the 11th; walked to house on 12/10/14; when turned corner-white van with head lights on were parked about 1/2 block up street;
This afternoon 12/11/14 walked to CRB library and two authority vehicles; one black/gold vehicle with white male driver that drove past intersection, going north, as was beginning to walk to CRB library and then a new model white vehicle withwhite male driver drove past going,south- in opposite direction as was walking into the drivewary of CRB library;[note: the only forward path is for white males to continue to create new white male[s] systems of authority for AFrican American[s] not subserviant to white males-which is what hitler did to the jews and the white males in authority know that];
In the Winston-Salem Journal Newspaper, page A10,December 1, 2014 article in the Nation & World section, entitled "Justices weigh Internet speech"by the associated press, it stated that Anthony Elonis posts about his wife were threats and that "the lower courts ruled that a "true threat" depends on how an objective person percieves the message.";
If that be a true definition of what a "true threat" is, then for African Amricans who have watched/witnessed their family, friends, associated being systematically killed, murdered through medical, etc. white male system[s] objectivity would require that messages within white males culture ,radio, television, newspaper, etc. are threats and one would think that if a "real" African American had access to the white court[s] that there would be a lot of white[s] that would be officially charged-especially if the AFrican American had video, pictures and documentations that included facts and documentation that concerning their relative[s] who had been intentionally killed by white male system[s],doctors, etc..
Laura Ingram on her radio show [http://www.lauraingraham.com/] stated while talking to a guest[white male] that -"The whole system is at stake if the rule of law does not work for all Americans"
Laura Ingram
Rush Limbough[white male][who was called and "asked for help" at the beginning of the decline of the United States] stated this morning 12/11/14 on 94.5 fm that ,"Somebody is being taught and they are learning that the United States is "BAD"[not in a good way]"
The point is that white male system would rather destroy the United States rather than address white male abuse of AFrican American[s] because in the white male[s] mindset to address an African American being abused by white males is make the African American the head/leader and will put that AFrican American in a position over white male[s]; and to have the white male to have to answer to an African American instead of an African American having to answer to or be subservent to white male[s] is for the white male to be subservent to African American[s];
Rush Limbough stated that "Somebody is being taught and they are learning that the United States is "BAD"[not in a good way]; when in reality Rush Limbough is the head/lead teacher that the United States is "BAD";-when was the last time an African American was uplifted or on Rush Limbough show; Rush Limbough talks about African American issues quite well because as he states all the time-He knows what he is doing, he has been doing "it" for a long time and "it" is helping other white males through the white male[s] system of robbery, stealing and killing of African American[s]; which makes Glenn Beck one of the beig teachers that the "United States" is "BAD"[not in a good way] and in Glenn Becks case he even organized the white males who are suppose to benefit from the white male system[s] of robbery, killing of African American[s] into a group to meet and discuss the dividing of the "spoils"[MONEY];
Charles in Charge (1984–1990)
CONFIRMATION of Rush Limbough/Glenn Beck and other white males particpation "PARTNERSHIP in the robbery, stealing, killing of AFrican American[s] wealth based on "BLACK WALLSTREET" [before white males destroyed BLACK WALLSTREET] is in the "DVD"- " SEA BISCUITS":
Seabiscuit (2003)
Note: Seabiscuit cover is different from one above with all the "black";
In which main character is name:
1. "Charles Howard "-[note: both names of close relatives-one where "Charles" =Charlie W. P];
3. Sam (as Kingston DuCoeur) the name of "exemployer" who dismissed from employment illegally and threat confinement if money is obtained from honest work;Today is the 11th; walked to house on 12/10/14; when turned corner-white van with head lights on were parked about 1/2 block up street;
This afternoon 12/11/14 walked to CRB library and two authority vehicles; one black/gold vehicle with white male driver that drove past intersection, going north, as was beginning to walk to CRB library and then a new model white vehicle withwhite male driver drove past going,south- in opposite direction as was walking into the drivewary of CRB library;[note: the only forward path is for white males to continue to create new white male[s] systems of authority for AFrican American[s] not subserviant to white males-which is what hitler did to the jews and the white males in authority know that];
In the Winston-Salem Journal Newspaper, page A10,December 1, 2014 article in the Nation & World section, entitled "Justices weigh Internet speech"by the associated press, it stated that Anthony Elonis posts about his wife were threats and that "the lower courts ruled that a "true threat" depends on how an objective person percieves the message.";
If that be a true definition of what a "true threat" is, then for African Amricans who have watched/witnessed their family, friends, associated being systematically killed, murdered through medical, etc. white male system[s] objectivity would require that messages within white males culture ,radio, television, newspaper, etc. are threats and one would think that if a "real" African American had access to the white court[s] that there would be a lot of white[s] that would be officially charged-especially if the AFrican American had video, pictures and documentations that included facts and documentation that concerning their relative[s] who had been intentionally killed by white male system[s],doctors, etc..
Laura Ingram on her radio show [http://www.lauraingraham.com/] stated while talking to a guest[white male] that -"The whole system is at stake if the rule of law does not work for all Americans"
Laura Ingram
Rush Limbough[white male][who was called and "asked for help" at the beginning of the decline of the United States] stated this morning 12/11/14 on 94.5 fm that ,"Somebody is being taught and they are learning that the United States is "BAD"[not in a good way]"
The point is that white male system would rather destroy the United States rather than address white male abuse of AFrican American[s] because in the white male[s] mindset to address an African American being abused by white males is make the African American the head/leader and will put that AFrican American in a position over white male[s]; and to have the white male to have to answer to an African American instead of an African American having to answer to or be subservent to white male[s] is for the white male to be subservent to African American[s];
Rush Limbough stated that "Somebody is being taught and they are learning that the United States is "BAD"[not in a good way]; when in reality Rush Limbough is the head/lead teacher that the United States is "BAD";-when was the last time an African American was uplifted or on Rush Limbough show; Rush Limbough talks about African American issues quite well because as he states all the time-He knows what he is doing, he has been doing "it" for a long time and "it" is helping other white males through the white male[s] system of robbery, stealing and killing of African American[s]; which makes Glenn Beck one of the beig teachers that the "United States" is "BAD"[not in a good way] and in Glenn Becks case he even organized the white males who are suppose to benefit from the white male system[s] of robbery, killing of African American[s] into a group to meet and discuss the dividing of the "spoils"[MONEY];
Blogged a couple of days ago about Rush Limbough stating that "CHARLES" Barkly is the ONLY one who could comment on AFrican American issues and not have a backlash, have posted that Rush Limbough got his info based on white male system of TV program "Charles in charge" [1984][TWIN child that was stolen was borned in 1983][note: means that Rush Limbough has been participant in white male system of robbery of African American[s] for at least 30 years]; "Charles Barkly" is representative of person connected to who white males are trying to rob of wealth[who was taken to Rockerfeller Center on first visit to NYC];
Charles in Charge (1984–1990)
CONFIRMATION of Rush Limbough/Glenn Beck and other white males particpation "PARTNERSHIP in the robbery, stealing, killing of AFrican American[s] wealth based on "BLACK WALLSTREET" [before white males destroyed BLACK WALLSTREET] is in the "DVD"- " SEA BISCUITS":
Seabiscuit (2003)
Note: Seabiscuit cover is different from one above with all the "black";
In which main character is name:
1. "Charles Howard "-[note: both names of close relatives-one where "Charles" =Charlie W. P];
2. " Annie Howard"[note: both names of close relatiaves-with "ANNIE" being the name of one of the person[s] white males are trying to rob;
4.Young Red Pollard : [note: "RED" name of close relative and the name of counselor that white male system at the United States Supreme Court gave to send message that they would make relative "RED" into great big thug; but never address the abuse suffered by white males systems];
5. |
5. Land Broker[note: posted on blogs that Vern Sw-tzer was to be used as a "broker" for African American males that work for him being that white males do not recognize any African American[s] as an individual;
In the beginning scenes in "SEABISCUITS" the commentator makes the statement that "anybody who wants to be rich can be rich; the opportunity to make MONEY is abundant" and in the later part of the movie when "seabiscuit" and the "black" horse [who is the champion that is rode by "CHARLIE"] there is a scene where the rider of "seabiscuit" says see you later "CHARLIE" which is code to white male[s] in white male[s] system[s] that the "black" "CHARLIE" system is the system that white males [which include Rush Limbough,Glenn Beck, etc.] can rob.
In which white males do not want a "solution" to stop African American[s] from being attacked; it is the opposite, which is why the "Republican"[the conservatives] do not intervene to stop the abuse by the "Democratics"-because the democrats are doing exactly what the white males in the republican party want done-African American[s] put on a government plantation out of white males way; even if it means allowing the "democrats" to break the United States Constitution laws; that is why all the white media keeps mentioning as if in shock that "the man in the brown skin in the house that is white" continues to break the laws of the United States, yet never making an issue of him "breaking the United States laws" because white males do not consider AFrican American[s] to be human or under the United States laws because the white male system has sold the AFrican American[s] citizenship of lthose who are not subservent to white male[s]; which means that technically that means that African American[s] are not under the United States laws and therefore white male system[s] of white authority are not required by law to "protect and serve"; and because African American[s] citizenship has been sold to the highest bidder[why the Russian president is in the American news all the time]white males consider AFrican American[s] intruders/enemies and therefore have a right to attack, kill, abuse or steal anything they want and do so in an orderly,open manner while AFrican American[s] run around like a chicken with their head cut off trying to understand"why they mistreating me, I haven't done anything wrong!", which would now include the "orderly system now being created in Winston-Salem, North Carolina:
Article WS, NC Journal: Road gets Green Light by Wesley Young; [map; Major proposed DOT[code for stealing from blacks] projects in forsyth county12/5/14;
Article WS, NC Journal: Deady days on the roads of the triad[map/white male authority];12/6/14;
The DVD "Christmas at MAXwell's"

The main chracter is named "ANDREW" who goes into a "bar and whose wife "SUE" [like suing for money] who was sick -all of a sudden has a miracle and get wells-code - the MAX or "wellness"that is allowed in white male system is that ANDREW's wife suing is to be barred;[Andrew is the name of one of the people white male system[s] trying to rob]
[Note:Think it interesting that Laura Ingraham has a segment on her website titled-"Seperated at birth" where she is making fun of concept [as she often does when she has like an insider joke], it is almost as if she is picking at the person who white males tell they stole a TWIN child from and will not allow person to live a normal life if they ignore white males information];

"Life after jail: Ministry turns to ‘7 habits’ to foster hope"
Andrew Dye/Journal
ANDREW[code name] DYE [system]
Posted: Wednesday, December 10, 2014 11:45 pm
As stated above about white male[s] system[s] and that AFrican American males are to be subserviant to
white males[ a picture is worth a thousand words]; the African American males posted in the picture with the pastor are already mentally precondition to do what white males tell them and if they don't the white male authority will [suddenly] appear [mental conditioning] to communicate to the African American male [ex-con] that he is not following instructions; including the killing of another human being];The AFrican American males in picture have a white pastor to ensure that the white male is in charge of black males because somebody has overcome the white male[s] system[s] which do allow for African American males to progress and prosper without being subserviant to white males but African American males don't know that and to rob the African American male white male Rodney is making public his NEW ministry? to be accepted and to let white males know that robbery of African American[s] wealth is taking place;Note: If all black males/boys do right by white male[s] standards- be subserviant-then the white males will get them an African American female prostitute who will treat/steal from them for white males;
Note:White male at Miller Recreation Center who came in when on computers and Leah Friend who told me that computer lab was opened until 6:00pm made me get off computers at 4:45pm as harassment after white males communicated not subservent to white males:
[Email sent:Wednesday, December 10, 2014 12:46 PM]
[picture taken: 12/9/14;4:54pm];
Note:Gwyndolyn Gwyn and group have parked "black" cars in different ways in drive way to communciate to white males that even though person connected to "Charles" did not select the white way; Gwyn group is still with white group to steal from local AFrican American[s], which includes continuing the person who the guy who wears royal blue clothing wants to date [connected with the city issuing a "warning ticket" for the royal blue "bin"]being continuously attacked by Gwyn group:
[Email sent:
Note: Picture of white male put at Salvation Army desk after went to window[suppose to be symbolic of white males stealing wealth based on Black Wallstreet before white males destroyed "Black Wallstreet";
[Email sent-Wednesday, December 10, 2014 1:24 PM]
[Picture sent:12/4/14;10:39am];
Note: At end of 2 hours signed back in and six minutes had been taken off of time[bastards];
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