506a-Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo., Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, Carver Road Branch Library
Today is a TWO day and for the second day have been greeted by authority when walking to the CRB library; Today[12/12/14] as was walking toward Carver road Branch Library-Authority vehicle-thought it was from the city of Winston-Salem, but found out it was from Winston-Salem State University driven by an African American male[appeared young]license plate number-PJ191[?]3:
The white authority car with big GREEN [green=stripes was parked at the corner white store where white males systems shut down; as I started walking towards Carver School Road, the driver turned around and made a right turn on to Carver School Road, and was parked at Cortland Street when got to the Carl Russell Recreation Center; he went into the recreation center parking lot turned around, made a left and parked at "Milton" street which did tell the "citylink" clerk; that authority car[did not know it was from WSSU yet] was parked on milton st. and that driver could verify that Carl Russell Recreation Center was closed;

[license plate of silver car is pernamant "PK8573"]
[Email sent-Friday, December 12, 2014 4:00 PM]
[Picture taken:12/12/14;1:03pm]
Note: Silver car was a white male and in back in a black car an African American female who works as prostitute in secret for white males that live in house across the street from the Carl Russell Recreation Center which white male and Ben PICKett had closed but was suppose to be open at 1:00pm of which did file complaint [383-587]with etna at city link because computer lab was intentionally closed because today is a two day[12/12/14];
The silver car with the permanent license and the black car were both parked across from the Carl Russel Recreation Center; and African American female prostitute got out after white male in silver car pulled off-after I took picture; which is why state that if anything happens to me or any of my relatives that authority is connected,[Winston-Salem, NC., Winston-Salem State University] and why the United States Supreme Court needs to intervene; and why the marching and rioting in the streets will not accomplish a dam thing except create more of the bastards:
In the Winston-Salem Chronicle is an article:
"Black and "BLUE"[with the word "blue" written in the color royal blue];
[Posted On 11 Dec 2014;By : Chanel Davis];[http://www.wschronicle.com/2014/12/black-blue/];
note: BLUE is the code color to secret group so they know for sure they are talking about the "black" secret system of abuse of AFrican American[s];Also confirmation of the "Black and BLUE" concept and the DYdo[ANDREW DYE system of robbery from African American male by the name of "Andrew" is coded in movie [dvd] "Belle"[http://www.amazon.com/Belle-Rental-Ready-Matthew-Goode/dp/B00LEW3HNA/ref=sr_1_1/190-0324299-8622346?ie=UTF8&qid=1418421341&sr=8-1&keywords=belle+dvd];
[Belle (Rental Ready)
Scene-white male makes statement," I wish to seal the bond between the ASHford and MANfield names with "DYDO";
"The Winston-Salem Police Department is PLANNING TO KICK ITS COMMUNITY POLICING PROGRAM UP "SEVERAL GEARS" by "OPENING" three neighborhood satellite police stations at University Parkway and North Point Boulevard, Hanes Mall Boulevard and Jonestown Road and in the Lucia Building on Waughtown Street."code-allowed to attack African American[s] more;
It is like when listening to the callers of the radio program where "carman" was on the 94.5 fm morning radio program [carmen does not work there anymore or hasn't been heard on the morning program] where it was suggested by one of the callers to ask the terr-rist[who knocked down "TWIN Towers" to forgive the United States; and ALL of the callers were white and the response from the callers were ususally "yeah right!" type attitudes and were nicer threats in disguise; Like ,"We apoligize!, now we have to kill you!"
The most interesting thing about the segment is that most of the white people calling in have and are helping white male authority to "torture" African American[s] and as the white people were saying what they would do to the terr-rist from overseas-communicating all kinds of threats in actuality they were really telling African American[s] and talking about what they would do to themselves because as "Obama" said, the good book says, "Don't and you can't throw stones if you live a glass house"[Laura Ingraham radio show; 980am;112/11/14];
The fact that the WSSU students are marching is a "JOKE"-where are the African American people in are living in digust with white male system so that they can't even walk down their own street, let along go across town to the white side of town;
If "real" African American[s] want to know when there is a real change[African American[s] are allowed to progress and prosper without being subserviant to white males or having to be attacked in their neighborhoods for not being subserviant to white males]; all of the AFrican American neighborhoods in the city of Winston-Salem, NC that are not controlled by white male system[s][which presently is none] will be a good sign;
The student who had a man in an orange SUV pull a weapon on him was to send a message to someone at the WFU to get in line with what white males are doing-stealing, robbing, killing, threatening, using abuse, forced assimilation, and cultural transformation to stop AFrican American[s] from economic, social, financial freedom[s] and prosperity;
NOTE: Picture of lot of lights at night from fire trucks and authority vehicles at the corner where city of Winston-Salem put a "black" garbage can to communicate to "Charles" that the black in his family is "trash" and fire trucks showed because posted on blog that it was trash because Glenn Beck and his black rope kkk's started new group to rob, steal, kill African American[s]-which is why anything black connected to African American[s] would beconsidered as trash to white male system[s] because they call themselves taking over "black";
[email sent-Wednesday, December 10, 2014 1:27 PM];
[Picture Taken:12/4/14; 7:24pm];
For example on the front page of the Winston-Salem Journal, article "Marchers protest on Fourth Street" "Officials:Rally peaceful, no arrests" [and article in upper right corner, "NEWton not worried about when he'll play again]:

"Luis Garcia of Boonville, center, is illuminated by police lights along with other protesters as they block Fourth Street outside the Stevens Center Thursday, December 11, 2014. Protesters were rallying against grand jury decisions in the Michael Brown and Eric Garner cases."
[Posted: Thursday, December 11, 2014 10:30 pm
There are "NO" African American males in the center there is an male that looks like the terr-rist who knocked down the "TWIN" Towers and if person looks at picture closely after reading comments under the picture-it basically states that "Garcia"[hispanic] is posing in secret for the photographer and that "African American[s] are in the background posing with hispanic; not a hispanic that is part of the African American group of protesters=code for hispanics helping white males to take over what belongs to African American[s] that is why:
[A police officer checks the truck of quarterback Cam Newton of the Panthers after a two-vehicle accident.];[http://www.journalnow.com/eedition/mapping/newton-injured/article_8d9b2d50-0943-5e8b-813d-9251e0402212.html];
The PANTHERS [code for "BLACK"] NEWton injured is code that the NEW[ness] for "BLACKS is not to take place/TURN it over;[why hispanic male is out in front of African American protesters-message-to put hispanics out front of African Americans];
A. Picture of T. "TURNER" [who is an African American female prostitute who works for white males in secret at "QEA" who gets gov. funding, especially for illegal hispanics] in the article is code to turn whatever benefits that AFrican Americans are suppose to get as result of marching to hispanics:

"Tamara TURNER, president of Quality Education Academy, leads protesters in call and response chants at a rally Thursday, December 11, 2014. Protesters were rallying against grand jury decisions in the Michael Brown and Eric Garner cases."[http://www.journalnow.com/news/local/marchers-head-through-downtown-winston-salem-to-protest-police-deaths/article_128abd4c-8197-11e4-930e-3fc3dd0308ba.html];
Today is a TWO day and for the second day have been greeted by authority when walking to the CRB library; Today[12/12/14] as was walking toward Carver road Branch Library-Authority vehicle-thought it was from the city of Winston-Salem, but found out it was from Winston-Salem State University driven by an African American male[appeared young]license plate number-PJ191[?]3:
The white authority car with big GREEN [green=stripes was parked at the corner white store where white males systems shut down; as I started walking towards Carver School Road, the driver turned around and made a right turn on to Carver School Road, and was parked at Cortland Street when got to the Carl Russell Recreation Center; he went into the recreation center parking lot turned around, made a left and parked at "Milton" street which did tell the "citylink" clerk; that authority car[did not know it was from WSSU yet] was parked on milton st. and that driver could verify that Carl Russell Recreation Center was closed;

[license plate of silver car is pernamant "PK8573"]
[Email sent-Friday, December 12, 2014 4:00 PM]
[Picture taken:12/12/14;1:03pm]
Note: Silver car was a white male and in back in a black car an African American female who works as prostitute in secret for white males that live in house across the street from the Carl Russell Recreation Center which white male and Ben PICKett had closed but was suppose to be open at 1:00pm of which did file complaint [383-587]with etna at city link because computer lab was intentionally closed because today is a two day[12/12/14];
The silver car with the permanent license and the black car were both parked across from the Carl Russel Recreation Center; and African American female prostitute got out after white male in silver car pulled off-after I took picture; which is why state that if anything happens to me or any of my relatives that authority is connected,[Winston-Salem, NC., Winston-Salem State University] and why the United States Supreme Court needs to intervene; and why the marching and rioting in the streets will not accomplish a dam thing except create more of the bastards:
In the Winston-Salem Chronicle is an article:
"Black and "BLUE"[with the word "blue" written in the color royal blue];
Above: Stephen Hairston and Glenn Bratton
"African-American law enforcers react to Ferguson, NYC uproars"[Posted On 11 Dec 2014;By : Chanel Davis];[http://www.wschronicle.com/2014/12/black-blue/];
note: BLUE is the code color to secret group so they know for sure they are talking about the "black" secret system of abuse of AFrican American[s];Also confirmation of the "Black and BLUE" concept and the DYdo[ANDREW DYE system of robbery from African American male by the name of "Andrew" is coded in movie [dvd] "Belle"[http://www.amazon.com/Belle-Rental-Ready-Matthew-Goode/dp/B00LEW3HNA/ref=sr_1_1/190-0324299-8622346?ie=UTF8&qid=1418421341&sr=8-1&keywords=belle+dvd];
[Belle (Rental Ready)
Scene-white male makes statement," I wish to seal the bond between the ASHford and MANfield names with "DYDO";
"The Winston-Salem Police Department is PLANNING TO KICK ITS COMMUNITY POLICING PROGRAM UP "SEVERAL GEARS" by "OPENING" three neighborhood satellite police stations at University Parkway and North Point Boulevard, Hanes Mall Boulevard and Jonestown Road and in the Lucia Building on Waughtown Street."code-allowed to attack African American[s] more;
It is like when listening to the callers of the radio program where "carman" was on the 94.5 fm morning radio program [carmen does not work there anymore or hasn't been heard on the morning program] where it was suggested by one of the callers to ask the terr-rist[who knocked down "TWIN Towers" to forgive the United States; and ALL of the callers were white and the response from the callers were ususally "yeah right!" type attitudes and were nicer threats in disguise; Like ,"We apoligize!, now we have to kill you!"
The most interesting thing about the segment is that most of the white people calling in have and are helping white male authority to "torture" African American[s] and as the white people were saying what they would do to the terr-rist from overseas-communicating all kinds of threats in actuality they were really telling African American[s] and talking about what they would do to themselves because as "Obama" said, the good book says, "Don't and you can't throw stones if you live a glass house"[Laura Ingraham radio show; 980am;112/11/14];
The fact that the WSSU students are marching is a "JOKE"-where are the African American people in are living in digust with white male system so that they can't even walk down their own street, let along go across town to the white side of town;
If "real" African American[s] want to know when there is a real change[African American[s] are allowed to progress and prosper without being subserviant to white males or having to be attacked in their neighborhoods for not being subserviant to white males]; all of the AFrican American neighborhoods in the city of Winston-Salem, NC that are not controlled by white male system[s][which presently is none] will be a good sign;
The student who had a man in an orange SUV pull a weapon on him was to send a message to someone at the WFU to get in line with what white males are doing-stealing, robbing, killing, threatening, using abuse, forced assimilation, and cultural transformation to stop AFrican American[s] from economic, social, financial freedom[s] and prosperity;
NOTE: Picture of lot of lights at night from fire trucks and authority vehicles at the corner where city of Winston-Salem put a "black" garbage can to communicate to "Charles" that the black in his family is "trash" and fire trucks showed because posted on blog that it was trash because Glenn Beck and his black rope kkk's started new group to rob, steal, kill African American[s]-which is why anything black connected to African American[s] would beconsidered as trash to white male system[s] because they call themselves taking over "black";
[email sent-Wednesday, December 10, 2014 1:27 PM];
[Picture Taken:12/4/14; 7:24pm];
For example on the front page of the Winston-Salem Journal, article "Marchers protest on Fourth Street" "Officials:Rally peaceful, no arrests" [and article in upper right corner, "NEWton not worried about when he'll play again]:
"Marchers head through downtown Winston-Salem to protest police deaths"
Garrity: Rally was peaceful, no one was arrested

"Luis Garcia of Boonville, center, is illuminated by police lights along with other protesters as they block Fourth Street outside the Stevens Center Thursday, December 11, 2014. Protesters were rallying against grand jury decisions in the Michael Brown and Eric Garner cases."
[Posted: Thursday, December 11, 2014 10:30 pm
There are "NO" African American males in the center there is an male that looks like the terr-rist who knocked down the "TWIN" Towers and if person looks at picture closely after reading comments under the picture-it basically states that "Garcia"[hispanic] is posing in secret for the photographer and that "African American[s] are in the background posing with hispanic; not a hispanic that is part of the African American group of protesters=code for hispanics helping white males to take over what belongs to African American[s] that is why:
"Newton injured"
Panthers star breaks TWO bones in back in auto accident in Charlotte;
[A police officer checks the truck of quarterback Cam Newton of the Panthers after a two-vehicle accident.];[http://www.journalnow.com/eedition/mapping/newton-injured/article_8d9b2d50-0943-5e8b-813d-9251e0402212.html];
The PANTHERS [code for "BLACK"] NEWton injured is code that the NEW[ness] for "BLACKS is not to take place/TURN it over;[why hispanic male is out in front of African American protesters-message-to put hispanics out front of African Americans];
A. Picture of T. "TURNER" [who is an African American female prostitute who works for white males in secret at "QEA" who gets gov. funding, especially for illegal hispanics] in the article is code to turn whatever benefits that AFrican Americans are suppose to get as result of marching to hispanics:

"Tamara TURNER, president of Quality Education Academy, leads protesters in call and response chants at a rally Thursday, December 11, 2014. Protesters were rallying against grand jury decisions in the Michael Brown and Eric Garner cases."[http://www.journalnow.com/news/local/marchers-head-through-downtown-winston-salem-to-protest-police-deaths/article_128abd4c-8197-11e4-930e-3fc3dd0308ba.html];
B. The article to the far right code that "boards" have "OKayed" the change[s] on the cell "TOWERS"=city KKK boards have approved the robbery of African Americans connected to the TWIN TOWERS [world trade center] and approved for them to be put in prison cells and robbed of benefits associated with marching because of killing of Michael Brown and Eric Garner;
" City-County Planning Board OKs changes to cell tower rules"
"An artist's rendering of the proposed First Tee of the Triad building in Winston Lake Park."
[Note: instead of African American[s] experiencing more good freedoms in Winston-Salem or no harassment from authority-blacks at Winston-Lake park have agreed to help white males to abuse blacks and "help hispanics" in exchange for a new golf building];
[Posted: Thursday, December 11, 2014 10:00 pm
C.Article titled, ""CRISIS CONTROL" ministry seeks to SELL millennials on volunteering"; by Michael Hewlett; front page of the WSJournal; 12/12/14[TWIN] day -code- what to do to African American[s] in Winston-Salem, NC and throughout the United States:
The title of the article on the Winston-Salem Journal website reads:
"Crisis Control Ministry starts group "AIMED" at engaging Millennials in volunteering ";
"Emily BROWN (left)) and Jessamyn KIRKwood, co-chairs of Crisis Control Ministry's Millennial volunteer committee, stand in the organization's new food storage warehouse"
Note: the name "brown" referring to Michael Brown[riots and marching] and the name"kirk" referrring to Curt[like in Curtis-sybling who was murdered]and the name "wood" [like in the concept of would kill];
[Posted: Thursday, December 11, 2014 9:00 pm
Where as the titled in the hard copy Winston-Salem Journal reads:
"Crisis Control ministry seeks to SELL millennials on volunteering";
And for those in the secret system that do not know where to direct the money, lifestyle, privileges that will be stolen and robbed from African American[s], the article, "SciWORKS"continues its 50-year evolution:
"SciWorks continues its 50-year evolution"
Museum to celebrate anniversary with Festive Family Friday
"Mason, left, and Peyton Gould, experiment at the "Dam the Creek" station, part of the Tech City Exhibit at SciWorks, on Tuesday, June 24, 2014. The “Dam the Creek” learning station was the most popular part of the Tech City exhibit at the science center."[http://www.journalnow.com/news/local/sciworks-continues-its--year-evolution/article_1b5296d7-c8ca-5d67-b8cb-2f226180c367.html];
[Posted: Thursday, December 11, 2014 9:00 pm
gives the direction to give the priviledges to TWO-white male boys systems and keep out of cell[jail] and give wrok:
"Like the CELLS in its Health WORKS exhibit, Winston-Salem’s science museum is constantly evolving."
There are two white male boys to communicate take from the AFrican American[s] white males have on/in TWO system and give to white boys;
Note: After contacting Johnnie "Taylor" of city sanitation dept. about the threats from people who live around me if the royal blue bin is moved-following weeks one of the local newspaper posted article about jail inmates having it better and jail group clothed in blue to getting money from city in granted[blogged about it]; and the result has been that the house on the corner who also usually kept their bins on the street now has their royal blue bin positioned down on the ground [after I had put royal blue bin on ground]to communicate to white male system that Gwyndolyn Gwyn group is taking over[hopefully I don't have to kill anybody]what belongs to person[s] connected to the city of Winston-Salem robbery of the wealth that belongs to African American[s] not subserviant to white males:
[Email sent-Friday, December 12, 2014 3:19 PM]
[Picture taken:12/11/14;1:44pm];
[ Note: have pictures from last year of royal blue bin on ground]
Note:This is picture of the PINKNEY'S [African American female prositute working in secret for white males who calls herself a minister]house on the corner [who are a part of the Gwyndolyn Gwyn group] who put their royal blue bin on the ground 2nd to communicate to white males that Gwyndolyn Gwyn group is taking over whatever [good][wealth] is connected to issue with the person who put the original royal blue bin on ground;
[Email sent-Thursday, December 11, 2014 5:53 PM]
[Picture Taken: 12/11/14; 1:45pm];
Note: Confirmation of the "bed" secret prostitution system operated by the city of Winston-Salem, NC are the numbers given to identify the picture below of the new Winston-Lake building:
Note: along with "pink" pjs that were stolen; also Pink hair moisturizer has been stolen;
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