560-llu-0s Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo., Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, CRB Library
1. Road the WSTA city bus to CRB library=black male bus driver that always runs past the bus stop;
2. WSTA NEW bus routes=will NOT go down town; the new bus routes will ensure that the AFrican American population does not increase [as to be noticeable or appear to have increased over white male[s] system[s] downtown];
Posted on 12/21/15 on Social Understanding blog:
20. Article in the WS Chronicle CONFIRMDS above picture:
The article on the internet [no pictures]looks different than the hard copy of the article in the WS Chronicle which is code specifically to Melissa Harris[teeter store] Perry:
1. Road the WSTA city bus to CRB library=black male bus driver that always runs past the bus stop;
2. WSTA NEW bus routes=will NOT go down town; the new bus routes will ensure that the AFrican American population does not increase [as to be noticeable or appear to have increased over white male[s] system[s] downtown];
Posted on 12/21/15 on Social Understanding blog:
20. Article in the WS Chronicle CONFIRMDS above picture:
Posted On 17 Dec 2015;By : Todd Luck;[https://www.wschronicle.com/2015/12/new-bus-routes-going-city-council/]
The biggest overhaul of bus routes in Winston-Salem Transit Authority history is close to becoming reality.The new routes were approved by the Public Works Committee during its Tuesday, Dec. 15 meeting and will go before the City Council for consideration on Monday. If approved it will take six months to a year to roll out the new routes, as it will require reprograming WSTA’s computer systems, training its employees, moving bus stops and a massive campaign to let riders know about the new routes. [note: all the time behind the scenes African American[s] being removed from the earth way before their time;different type article in the WS Chronicle-picture of ART barnes on the FRONT page=slavery system=Liberty St. at 5th and liberty St. in Winston Salem has tempoirarily been anmed ARTS BLVD for ARTS sake=those in/at/work at/in WSTA and City of Winston-Salem been propositioned to help white male[s] attack/kill African Americans;
The article on the internet [no pictures]looks different than the hard copy of the article in the WS Chronicle which is code specifically to Melissa Harris[teeter store] Perry:
Urban League, new president address United Way changes
Posted On 17 Dec 2015;By : WS Chronicle; [http://www.wschronicle.com/2015/12/urban-league-new-president-address-united-way-changes/]

Which the article is verification of the post about why the United Way grant payments were being changed=take from Frican American[s]:
Less than 24 hours before the organization announced James "Perry" would be taking over as president and chief executive, reports surfaced that the organization may be affected by a change in grant disbursements from real the United Way.[ which James "PERRY":
[note: see how "happy" "PERRY" the john is; wonder if he knows what/that Melissa Harris is helping white males to rob him of his African American heritage[?]
James "PERRY's" new position as president and chief executive is the reward for the African American secret prostitute, Melissa Harris PERRY's helping white male[s] to rob/steal/and kill AFrican American[s] to keep them from their wealth based on Black Wallstreet;just like all the other black ceo's of urban league, james perry will get in line to help rob black poeple in winston-salem,nc=melissa harris will/has started to educate/direct james perry of what to/not to do=to sta alive=rob/steal/kill his own people/African American[s[-like "JAy Z=to the point that white people were laughing at him[jayz];
Solutin African American[s]/ good white[s] people=don't support;l not use services or replace serices owned/controlled/operated by good folk=the opposite of whatever system seeking to rob/take/control African American[s];
In the same article there is the code of CINTAS:
According to president and ceo CYNTHIA S. Gordineer, board members and partners of the organization have been discussing the changes in funding for several years
Thus bastards/mother f-ers; will not be participating/note doing your dam circle[code for kkk]; thus all african American[s] reading this/pray that there is none participation in the same oh, same oh to the point of doing like the bible says do = there is a time to "KILL":
King James Bible
To Everything There is a Season
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;
[Note: It is time for AFrican American[s] to BUILD-but white male[s] systems will not allow them to "build" up through use of "trickery, etc. such as putting a "JOHN"-james Perry-the john of melissa harris as president and ceo over a tradional African American organization to rob/instead of help AFrican Americans to develop/grow the AFrican American culture; It is time for AfricanAmericans to heal-which white male[s] develeoped systems to interfere with the healing and the statement, "A time to KILL"-it is time for AFrican American[s] to KILL, which the person in the picture KNOWS that it is time for African Americans to KILL-if they want to exist as a race or they will be like the indians:
President Obama pushed back forcefully against questions of America’s strategy to counter the Islamic State in the wake of the Paris attacks.
http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2015/11/its-best-that-we-dont-shoot-first-and-aim-later/416223/]; [note: that is the picture of a person who knows what white male[s] getting ready to do to African American[s] and knows he better not say anything if he values his life];[http://socialnowst.blogspot.com/2015/12/560-llu-0q-michael-brown-fergurson-mo.html]
3. note: a picture is worth a thousand words];
4. Merry Christmas to ALL !!!;
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