560-llu-0s Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo., Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, CRB Library
1.Merry Christmas and a HAPPY NEW YEAR
1.Merry Christmas and a HAPPY NEW YEAR
2. Road the WSTA city bus to CRB library, saw authority vehicle turn left out of Carvere SChool parking lot; andsaw an authority vehicle turn right offoif Carver Sschool Road onto Lansing Drive where Greater CLEVELAND church [Sheldon Mccarter is located;
3. 1/2 of PATTERSON AVenue was closed at apprx. 3:00 pm on 12/22/15 going towards the University Wallmart; on the way back route #1010, ther part of Patterson that had been cut off going, was lit up with Christmas lights-which means MONEY because people with money in African American neighborhoods usually ut up Christmas lights and usually the more mONEY, the more lights;
4.Heard CLARK Howard on the radio this morning and he was sounding an alarm because the tobacco people have slacked on producing regular cigarettes and are now producing color/scented cigarettes that are targetted towards "children"/teenagers, which really explains what have been trying to say concerning what white males do to African American neighbiorhoods, which they are in theprocessd of doing again:
a. replacing old system of killing, with a new system of killing;
b. For example posted that white male[s] systems were in the process of putting the "isis" in the African American neighborhoods to serve as a cover up and reach the African American[s] for white male[s] and sure enough, someone told me that WSSU has a lot of the musl-ms at WSSU=to help Robinson[new chancellor] to ROB from AFrican Americans; and as futher confirmation when got to Winston-Salem, NC downtown, there on the corner of 5th and TRADE St,-Musl-m men standing on the corner where WSTA city bus depot is located; and when got on route 10 [Walmart bus]l there were TWO musl-ms that had targeted an African American male[big strong/not the normal kind seen at the WSTA buds depot and why the bus routes will not come to downtown-so that African Ameruican maleds can know that they are not alone]:
The African American male is in the midle seat;
You could tell the AFrican American male was relieved when he got off of the bus;The two males seated in picture are of musl-m[the real kind] heritage;and they are given instructions on which African American[s]/male/female that they can attack/threaten;

The hispanic manager at Wallmart McDonalds[while AFrican American[s] with educations been threaten with confinement if they get a JOB!;
Not only is the manager hispanic, but the only other working male was a younger hispanic; not one African American male; when the vast majority of
Walmarts clientele is 90% AFrican American:
Walmarts clientele is 90% AFrican American:
Route 10 bus riders/AFrican American male[s] going to Walmart; they all look stress; not one white person/hispanic on bus; most look like they don't work;
5. Glenn Beck had guest DAVID CLARK on his radio program this mornining; black male=with goal of helping white males;
God willst
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