1. Today is a TWO day; and white males presence in African American neighborhood is high;ROBIN driving route 1 wsta; television programs for last few days have been the equal of the color change on the computer after signing in= were associated with the color BLACK in a very negative sense:
2. GERMAN sheppard dog placed on corner as intimidation, dog always barks in agressive manner; which is unusual, should be able to walk past a dog without the agressive behavior, unless dog is trained to be aggressive; which called city link and informed of the dog getting lose and requested that they inform the City of Winston-Salem, NC animal control [reference # ];
3. One of the football players Ezekiel Elliott’s [cowBOYS] jumped into the salvation army's RED Kettle:
"Ezekiel Elliott hopped inside a giant red Salvation Army kettle, and the NFL is fine with it";
Elliott was penalized, which is lame. But he won’t get a fine.

Salvation Army USA
RED is a code color; giant red bucket of salvation army;which coinsides with the social security 2016 Red Book for people with 'disabilities';
[https://www.ssa.gov/redbook/eng/definedisability.htm#];which conincedes with the NEW program that Tashina [alijoye][ an "AFRICAN" female secret prostitute born in Africa who work for white males in secret] with Tashina's real job being to help white males to block African Americans from their wealth/prosperity by putting African Americans[starting in WINSTON-Salem, NC]in housing developments controlled by money from gov.[white males]-which right now Donald Trump is the head white male;
Where the new program of robbery[that tashina -the african prostitute is in charge of helping white males to rob African Americans]is through the CIVIC Neighborhood[s] program in winston-salem, nc;which are all located in African American neighborhood[s]; strange that none of the civc neigborhoods[on the flyer given to me][http://www.forsythunitedway.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/PlaceBasedPresentationWeb_06.11.1511.pdf];[will post picture] are in WHITE neighborhoods:
East Winston is a 99.99% African American neighborhood, which the white males and the illegal hispanics that are helping white males are trying to kill off the African American[s] and replace with illegal hispanics;
All the AFrican American neighborhoods that have been put in a category to recieve help are the same African ameircan neighborhoods that had been targeted to be robbed:
"Winston-Salem ranks high in national poverty study"
Wesley Young/Winston-Salem Journal;
As stated above "All the AFrican American neighborhoods that have been put in a category to recieve help are the same African American neighborhoods that had been targeted to be robbed" by the same people who now want to help the African American neighborhoods by robbing them more so they can control and make money off of the African American neighborhoods[ http://www.forsythunitedway.org/place-matters/];
Donald Trump has aready said, kill "isis" family members, in which "isis" is code for African Americans born in the United States that refuse to be subservant to white males, which is a global code like the color lime green, which is to be raised up for 2017; like the color of the lime green WSTA city buses:
"WSTA gets more hybrid buses"
July 14, 2016;08:15;by Todd Luck

The NEW LIME GREEN buses arrived in July, 2016 in which ALL of the license plates were changed to numbers ending in the letter "V"[close relative initial]or "T"[close relatives initial];
Article mentions the color GREEN buses because the color "green" is a code;
"Convoy of buses, ambulances begins Aleppo evacuation; 3,000+ flee"
[Doug Stanglin and Jane Onyanga-Omara , USA TODAY
"A lengthy convoy of ambulances and green buses rolled out of eastern Aleppo on Thursday in the long-awaited evacuation of anti-government rebels and families from the opposition's last foothold in the war-ravaged Syrian city. "[http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2016/12/15/reports-evacuations-eastern-aleppo-begin/95461576/];
[note: tried to find picture of "green" buses-green color is a global code for any person not being subservant to white male[s];
[Whoopi/and the The View females have been yelling as loud as they can-because they know if a white male is going to be known publically for abusing a white female; the African American female/let alone the African ameircan male will be abused and there will be no where from them[AFrican Americans] to get help; because all of the white male authority will be working for the head white male authority; Michelle Obama stated, "There is no hope"[although she is praying for hope]; but her initial message is that "there is no hope" because she knows that she has NOT been "LIVING OUT LOUD" as she told the young people to do; she knows that if she verified her living out loud, she and Oprah both; both would have to identify themselves as living as secret prostitutes for white males,and both know white males are not going to fight against white males;
"Ezekiel Elliott’s rookie season has been amazing. He came into Sunday night’s game as the NFL’s leading rusher, and an MVP candidate."[The fact that Ezekiel Elliott has achieved so much in such little time, is almost a grarantee that there is another system in operation];