Monday, July 23, 2012
Movie - The Taking of Pelham 1 2 3 (2009) second time watching-first time= just watch the movie; second time-found codes in the movie.
Think blogged about the fact that the same process used to hinder my progress and prosperity is the same system/technique being used to hinder the progress of the United States/white males and white females-referred to Lr83.9 [local rule in greensobro courts that states that prose's[usually AFrican americans because of economics and connections involved in getting an attorney] and the United States cannot use mediation process//which would cut legal process short.
In the movied "The Taking of Pelham 1 2 3 -scene after one of the men with those who stole the train shot the authority figure that was on the train to protect it; then John Travalta's character [in charge]came out and told the African American female [acting as conductor of the train] to do her job and CONDUCT by conducting the people on the train off and onto the dock. Before the African American female lead the people off of the train; she told the passengers/hostages that "they will be on the track so if they don't need it; to leave it!" Then the scene switched to the scene where two autority vehicles; then a picture of a white male in the far right corner of the screen and then the camera uqickly switched to a regular scene of an Afrcna American male in lower right corner; then the scene switches back to the African American female CONDUCTOR that the robber of the train told to lead the people from the train to the dock where TWO authority [males of the larger society] were waiting and one of the authority reached out hand to hep AfricanAmerican female up on dock[code=to Authority=to help African American Conductors[black females intimidted by white males] up.
Code=Leave everything you do not need=code to white females=leave you man=you do not need your man; code to black females=leave your husband, boyfrined, or man you do not need your-[a] man; males of authority[males of the larger society will help you up; take your instructions from males of the larger society; not your husband, boyfriend or [a] man.]
When the African American female got to the dock; there were two uniformed authority figures on the dock; one of the authority figures[males of the larger society] reached out his hand to help the African American female who has leading the people from the train to the dock -code-African American females being told by males of the larger society in authority where/how to lead people?=Authority=pimps-telling females what to do and to act /treat their husbands, boyfriends or [a] man.; not to mention the creation of a society of females that are controlled and dominated by males of the larger society; and a society where there are no males to challenge the misuse and abuse of females which is the current situation in the African American community and based upon LR83.9b is probably the current status of the males of the larger society that are suppose to develope the progress and prosperity of the United States; in other wordss; it is a global operation [thought to be done in secret] but the bible says: everything done in the dark will come to light.
For example: Presently the daughter of the female who helped in the taking of a twin has stared a business "devilious"; in which originally her business was suppose to underwear; but the female in charge of the church.
Monday, July 16, 2012
Blogged some time agao about when the Television stations were reaarranged and people had to get the Black box to have a television; mentioned the fact that that was a part of process of beginning to send different information to different people; so nobody would have the same information:
Winston-Salem Journal Julyy 16, 2012 one of the front page stories="CHANNELS blackouts"the NEW NORMAL; did not read the story; do know the headlines are a preparation for things to come=to guranteee what they think is them controlling you.
Channel blackouts 'the new normal'
By: | From staff and wire reports
Published: July 16, 2012
Published: July 16, 2012
» Comments | Post a Comment
Channel blackouts such as the one that resulted from the current spats between WXII-Channel 12's parent company and Time Warner Cable and the one between Viacom and DirecTV have become more common over the past three years. Consumers can thank the changing dynamics of the entertainment industry.
Media companies such as Viacom and Disney have become steadily more profitable since the gloom of the recession lifted in early 2010. But the cable and satellite providers that pay to carry their channels have seen profitability virtually stagnate as they fight one another for subscribers.
The squeeze has prompted such distributors as Time Warner Cable, Dish and DirecTV to revolt against higher programming costs. Consumers are left in the crossfire.
WXII, the local NBC affiliate, has been blacked out since Tuesday, after contract negotiations broke down between Time Warner Cable and Hearst Television, the company that owns WXII.
Time Warner has instead been airing programming from WBRE, an NBC affiliate from Wilkes-Barre, Pa. WXII can still be seen over the air with an antenna and on other video providers such as DirecTV, AT&T U-verse and Dish Network.
DirecTV subscribers have not been able to view Viacom channels such as Comedy Central, MTV, Nickelodeon and VH1 since Tuesday, when the two companies failed to reach a contract agreement over content fees.
In both cases, it's not clear how long the blackouts will last.
"I think this is the new normal," says Barton Crockett, an analyst with Lazard Capital. "It's getting to be a little bit more of a battle between life and death for these guys."
The rising number of disputes is largely the result of the stagnant market for pay television. Simply put, there are not many new households being formed in the sluggish economy, and those who want to pay for TV already do. Some 101 million American households subscribe to cable or satellite service. That's about 87 percent of homes, a proportion that has remained unchanged since 2009, according to Leichtman Research Group, which studies media and entertainment.
TV distributors pay media companies a few cents per channel per subscriber each month. In turn, they try to sell packages of channels for more. As costs for those channels rise, so do monthly service bills, but not always by enough to offset the increasing fees cable and satellite providers are paying to media companies.
That has prompted cable and satellite service providers to fight back against cost increases, even when it means blacking out channels until they can eke out a better deal. Satellite TV companies such as Dish and DirecTV are in an even tighter squeeze than cable companies because they cannot make up for higher costs by providing Internet or phone service.
Major cable and satellite TV distributors Time Warner Cable, DirecTV, Dish, Cablevision and Charter have increased profitability over the past few years, but that's tapered off, according to an Associated Press review of FactSet data.
Back in December 2009, they kept 15 cents of profit after subtracting operating expenses from every dollar of services they sold. That grew to 19 cents last September. But since then, cable and satellite companies have not found a way to wring more profitability from their business.
Meanwhile, prominent media companies that produce and bankroll the shows — Disney, Time Warner, News Corp., Viacom, Discovery, CBS and AMC — have kept expanding their profit share. They grew operating profits from 16 cents to 19 cents per dollar over the same period. That kept climbing to 20 cents per dollar by March.
Media companies have posted gains in part by extracting higher fees from distributors in bare-knuckle contract negotiations.
In the first 6 1/2 months of this year, 22 fee disputes involving the price of broadcast TV signals have caused channel blackouts, according to the American TV Alliance. That's up from 15 blackouts in all of 2011. There were just four in 2010.
Dish Network Corp. dropped AMC Networks Inc. channels on July 1, two weeks ahead of Sunday's premiere of the final season of "Breaking Bad." DirecTV dropped more than a dozen Viacom Inc. channels last week. Time Warner Cable Inc. gave up on a Fox Sports channel covering the San Diego Padres in April and last week it let 15 Hearst television stations, including WXII, go dark, complaining of a three-fold fee hike demand.
Hank Price, president and general manager of WXII, said in a news release that "Time Warner's characterization of the percentage increase in carriage fees we are seeking is inaccurate. We have sought a reasonable increase consistent with the increased costs we have to pay for our highly valued programming and the carriage fees now paid to us by Time Warner's competitors."
Amid the war of words, one thing is clear: The price of TV is going up.
People already have been paying more and more. In April and May, 1,369 Americans who were surveyed by the Leichtman Research Group reported that their monthly TV bill rose an average of 7 percent from a year ago, to $78.63.
What's different for distributors lately is that they also have to pay for broadcast TV station signals, which they used to get for free in exchange for carrying upstart new channels.
In recent years, broadcasters such as CBS have demanded cash from TV distributors for broadcast signals, even though consumers who go through the trouble of setting up an antenna could get them over the air at no charge.
Such "retransmission fees" are expected to double industrywide from $1.8 billion this year to $3.6 billion in 2017, according to research firm SNL Kagan.
Media companies such as Viacom and Disney have become steadily more profitable since the gloom of the recession lifted in early 2010. But the cable and satellite providers that pay to carry their channels have seen profitability virtually stagnate as they fight one another for subscribers.
The squeeze has prompted such distributors as Time Warner Cable, Dish and DirecTV to revolt against higher programming costs. Consumers are left in the crossfire.
WXII, the local NBC affiliate, has been blacked out since Tuesday, after contract negotiations broke down between Time Warner Cable and Hearst Television, the company that owns WXII.
Time Warner has instead been airing programming from WBRE, an NBC affiliate from Wilkes-Barre, Pa. WXII can still be seen over the air with an antenna and on other video providers such as DirecTV, AT&T U-verse and Dish Network.
DirecTV subscribers have not been able to view Viacom channels such as Comedy Central, MTV, Nickelodeon and VH1 since Tuesday, when the two companies failed to reach a contract agreement over content fees.
In both cases, it's not clear how long the blackouts will last.
"I think this is the new normal," says Barton Crockett, an analyst with Lazard Capital. "It's getting to be a little bit more of a battle between life and death for these guys."
The rising number of disputes is largely the result of the stagnant market for pay television. Simply put, there are not many new households being formed in the sluggish economy, and those who want to pay for TV already do. Some 101 million American households subscribe to cable or satellite service. That's about 87 percent of homes, a proportion that has remained unchanged since 2009, according to Leichtman Research Group, which studies media and entertainment.
TV distributors pay media companies a few cents per channel per subscriber each month. In turn, they try to sell packages of channels for more. As costs for those channels rise, so do monthly service bills, but not always by enough to offset the increasing fees cable and satellite providers are paying to media companies.
That has prompted cable and satellite service providers to fight back against cost increases, even when it means blacking out channels until they can eke out a better deal. Satellite TV companies such as Dish and DirecTV are in an even tighter squeeze than cable companies because they cannot make up for higher costs by providing Internet or phone service.
Major cable and satellite TV distributors Time Warner Cable, DirecTV, Dish, Cablevision and Charter have increased profitability over the past few years, but that's tapered off, according to an Associated Press review of FactSet data.
Back in December 2009, they kept 15 cents of profit after subtracting operating expenses from every dollar of services they sold. That grew to 19 cents last September. But since then, cable and satellite companies have not found a way to wring more profitability from their business.
Meanwhile, prominent media companies that produce and bankroll the shows — Disney, Time Warner, News Corp., Viacom, Discovery, CBS and AMC — have kept expanding their profit share. They grew operating profits from 16 cents to 19 cents per dollar over the same period. That kept climbing to 20 cents per dollar by March.
Media companies have posted gains in part by extracting higher fees from distributors in bare-knuckle contract negotiations.
In the first 6 1/2 months of this year, 22 fee disputes involving the price of broadcast TV signals have caused channel blackouts, according to the American TV Alliance. That's up from 15 blackouts in all of 2011. There were just four in 2010.
Dish Network Corp. dropped AMC Networks Inc. channels on July 1, two weeks ahead of Sunday's premiere of the final season of "Breaking Bad." DirecTV dropped more than a dozen Viacom Inc. channels last week. Time Warner Cable Inc. gave up on a Fox Sports channel covering the San Diego Padres in April and last week it let 15 Hearst television stations, including WXII, go dark, complaining of a three-fold fee hike demand.
Hank Price, president and general manager of WXII, said in a news release that "Time Warner's characterization of the percentage increase in carriage fees we are seeking is inaccurate. We have sought a reasonable increase consistent with the increased costs we have to pay for our highly valued programming and the carriage fees now paid to us by Time Warner's competitors."
Amid the war of words, one thing is clear: The price of TV is going up.
People already have been paying more and more. In April and May, 1,369 Americans who were surveyed by the Leichtman Research Group reported that their monthly TV bill rose an average of 7 percent from a year ago, to $78.63.
What's different for distributors lately is that they also have to pay for broadcast TV station signals, which they used to get for free in exchange for carrying upstart new channels.
In recent years, broadcasters such as CBS have demanded cash from TV distributors for broadcast signals, even though consumers who go through the trouble of setting up an antenna could get them over the air at no charge.
Such "retransmission fees" are expected to double industrywide from $1.8 billion this year to $3.6 billion in 2017, according to research firm SNL Kagan.
headlines story is a joke; just sending them back in a circle.
God Knows
Went to help person pull weeds in exchange for a smalll monatary benefit; have been pulling weeds since about november of 2012; come to find out that the person use to have local teenagers come to pull weeds and and authorities would supply the funds to pay the teenagers; in other words-Local African Americans cannot work/own in private business UNLESS monetary souce is from authorities; LIKE the plight of the Indians; they CANNOT create any type of business to generate income UNLESS the foundation of the busiess/money is supplied by authorities [like living on an Indian reservation.
Long story short-person helping said=[after helping with four local markets every tuesday and thursday [total harassment][security guard][African American] and on Satuadays in another local city[harassment by males of the larger society]-you will not be helping with the markets on Tuesday; Oh! you can go to the market on Thuusday on Tuesday=[the priviledge of being harasssed by the security guard two days instead of two]; told the person helping-Really don't like the Thursday market[did not specify why][the person helping already knows]; then the person helping said "Problem with you is that you are not grateful; said you can work the downtown area on Tuesday that you work on Thursday"; then aske person helping -Since you are a minister would you pray that God will fix it so that I can have a stable income-MINUS all the negativity associatied with being a local African American who does not want to participate in the illegal/immoral directionss of local agenda[s]. and asked it theperson helping could pray that God will fix it so that can have a steady/stable income minus the constant humilation on/from/through the employment -since they are a ministrer and have some type of understanding concerning plight. Their repsonse was they have a new church [name associated with Bank] member who was working in my place so let's see if R-d Bank member suddenly gets any thing relating to money.income/prosperity for them/their children/ or Family member=CROOK=CONFIRMATION=Dog name CHARLIE [b;lack]=Charlie was my daddy's name;
Black=All African American males=dogs and will be treated like dogs by the MINISTER VS and inreturn; will be paid millions=? in return=?????; wife name=try to guess=?; it is a name that have blogged about almost from day one=Did somebody guess ANN=? you are exactly right=hummm[have blogged that the name of ANNE used to communicate to various people through television; and guess what their mother's name was =the same name as my mother[kind of conincidental.
On way to dropping off Young African male [has a fe-on] with name of guy who wants todate me=males of the larger society-in authority communicated to person helping to pull grass,etc. concerning who guy/name of guy is; on person who helping property is a barrel[carry dirt][shovel in the barrel]; a pile/layer of dirt had been placed that looked like a person six feet under and beside the dirt was a ROYAL BLUE tart cover with a basket[wood] turned upside down [all of it placed beside charlie black-the dog]; form of visual communication to males of authority/larger society=far as person is concerned= person who wants to date me as well as myself can both be put in the [CON-way][felo-][never paid any attention to the CON-way trucks until local authorities communicated that the [CON-way][]
-is their preferred way for all African Americans not their slaves.=Notice the name [ROBERT]=?[Let's see if you can decode the commuication?
Went to help person pull weeds in exchange for a smalll monatary benefit; have been pulling weeds since about november of 2012; come to find out that the person use to have local teenagers come to pull weeds and and authorities would supply the funds to pay the teenagers; in other words-Local African Americans cannot work/own in private business UNLESS monetary souce is from authorities; LIKE the plight of the Indians; they CANNOT create any type of business to generate income UNLESS the foundation of the busiess/money is supplied by authorities [like living on an Indian reservation.
Long story short-person helping said=[after helping with four local markets every tuesday and thursday [total harassment][security guard][African American] and on Satuadays in another local city[harassment by males of the larger society]-you will not be helping with the markets on Tuesday; Oh! you can go to the market on Thuusday on Tuesday=[the priviledge of being harasssed by the security guard two days instead of two]; told the person helping-Really don't like the Thursday market[did not specify why][the person helping already knows]; then the person helping said "Problem with you is that you are not grateful; said you can work the downtown area on Tuesday that you work on Thursday"; then aske person helping -Since you are a minister would you pray that God will fix it so that I can have a stable income-MINUS all the negativity associatied with being a local African American who does not want to participate in the illegal/immoral directionss of local agenda[s]. and asked it theperson helping could pray that God will fix it so that can have a steady/stable income minus the constant humilation on/from/through the employment -since they are a ministrer and have some type of understanding concerning plight. Their repsonse was they have a new church [name associated with Bank] member who was working in my place so let's see if R-d Bank member suddenly gets any thing relating to money.income/prosperity for them/their children/ or Family member=CROOK=CONFIRMATION=Dog name CHARLIE [b;lack]=Charlie was my daddy's name;
Black=All African American males=dogs and will be treated like dogs by the MINISTER VS and inreturn; will be paid millions=? in return=?????; wife name=try to guess=?; it is a name that have blogged about almost from day one=Did somebody guess ANN=? you are exactly right=hummm[have blogged that the name of ANNE used to communicate to various people through television; and guess what their mother's name was =the same name as my mother[kind of conincidental.
On way to dropping off Young African male [has a fe-on] with name of guy who wants todate me=males of the larger society-in authority communicated to person helping to pull grass,etc. concerning who guy/name of guy is; on person who helping property is a barrel[carry dirt][shovel in the barrel]; a pile/layer of dirt had been placed that looked like a person six feet under and beside the dirt was a ROYAL BLUE tart cover with a basket[wood] turned upside down [all of it placed beside charlie black-the dog]; form of visual communication to males of authority/larger society=far as person is concerned= person who wants to date me as well as myself can both be put in the [CON-way][felo-][never paid any attention to the CON-way trucks until local authorities communicated that the [CON-way][]
-is their preferred way for all African Americans not their slaves.=Notice the name [ROBERT]=?[Let's see if you can decode the commuication?
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Criminal Profiling
Saw on television UNCG[public television]=segment about people[community’s reaction and view of authority][person who was a guest said that the community only has two reasons to encounter authority and usually that is in a negative manner;:
- person pulled over for a ticket [traffic][having a bad day; minor crisis];
- person had some type of negative altercation that was a crisis that required the
intervention of the authorities
And that the persons in both cases were not happy to see the authority.
So if the authorities are creating the crisis; what is a person to do; people expect the crisis to come from another source; and what do you call it when the authorities are controlling the source that is creating the crisis?
Criminal Profiling=refers to the PROCESS of identifying personality traits, behavorial tendencies and emographic variables of an offender based on characteristics of the crime [Bartol and Bartol, 1994];
To a large extent the profiling, process is dectated by a data base collected on previous offenders[such as my earthly father]; who have committed similar offenses."[confirmation] of documented in records of authorities if anybody checked not just for me; but for millions;=permission to harass because of family members prior record
Because I said so [2007]
Because I said so [2007]
Movie: “Because I said So”=Verification of Concept that middle aged Caucasian females are encouraged to live again just like young Caucasian females.
African American females attacked and abused if seek to live their life versus raising a bastard grandchild.
Because I said so [2007]
Happiness (1998)
Happiness (1998)
Movie: “Happiness=Verification of Concept that one male is passed between three or more females; in the movie the concept if for Caucasian females. [would not suggest children watching].
Happiness (1998)
A Psychosocial Approach
Verification: webpage through Forsyth County Public Library=if have a learning disability and like "Duke" then anything bring with a "D" would capture the person's attention=especially worn my male of the larger society.
Sort of like the poster at the Forsyth County Public Library for the Census that had a white "W" on black keyboard on the 2nd floor where guy who likes Duke that wanted to date me would go to try and talk to me. "Isolated letters associated with things liked =would get the person attention=good form of control over the person.
Public Library
In an incredible act of selflessness, recently discovered Library Super Hero "Dewey The Decimator" has stood tall against his arch enemy "Boredom" and saved summer with a bounty of good times, entertainment and incredible books for all to experience this summer.
Library Super Hero Saves Summer!
Posted on 6/1/2012 by Don Dwiggins
In an incredible act of selflessness, recently discovered Library Super Hero "Dewey The Decimator" has stood tall against his arch enemy "Boredom" and saved summer with a bounty of good times, entertainment and incredible books for all to experience this summer.
How did he do it? Here's the story, all caught on videotape.
Bill Johnson resigned
On 7/5/12 person helping came to pick me up; in the front seat was ROBERT/hispanic; after I got in vehicle; then the person being helped went and picked up BILLY[lived in low income apts.] [African American male][could not figure out code that Billy was being used for until person driving called him "BILL"]; then ROBERT was dropped off at person's business; Bill was dropped off at African male[s] business and I was dropped off at one of the local low income places of businesses where the security guard DWAYNE ? seems to take enjoyment in subliminal harassing me. For example-Dwayne comes out of the building that serves low income people; then goes to chair I would be sitting in; lean on it as if he could not stand up; would stay leaning over the chair for five to ten minutes; etc..[one day he just kept taking his hands and hitting/touching me on the shoulders][any comment on my part would mean more harassment]; and no need in telling the person I was helping because Dwayne made sure that they were aware of the fact his supervisors had put me in a category to be harassed [make money off of]; which lead to person I was helping making adjustments to the point of rearranging his system to communicate that they were in agreement to help them [males of larger society in authority] to ROB me of my natural wealth [since I wouldn't be a prostitute for them] by dropping me off at building that serves low income people; while they took a young African American male [person[s] grandson SAM-ual to place where old RICH white people lived.
Before person left the place where the building is located that serve low income people; Fr-nk [stayed and helped me]; L-La[and L-La's NEW friend [PAY] were both taken out to African males business.
Then on Sat.-7/7/12 - White female's TWINS did not show up at her business; and everyperson that stopped by the white female told them something about guns [couldn't really hear]; then white male whose daughter [short slim, black long hair [kept in a bun]] started a business in the back of the building that person who took me to Greensboro, N. C. had been using; kept walking in front of place I was standing at the end of the business hour; then white male walked up to me and said as if I had better answer "Have a Good week"; I did not answer; then white male said it again, "Have a Good weel"; I still did not answer; just looked at him; then same white male standing looking at me said again, "Have a Good week" after looking at him for a while then I said, "may you have a good week also."
Code to males of the larger society who control black community from person that was helping=in agreement to help white males of larger society steal wealth/relationship[s], etc..
Just like code to Lance Armstrong is males of the larger society don't like it that somebody somewhere who is using Lance Armstrong's slogan, etc. [what Lance Armstrong represents= LIVING STRONG] is not agreeable to the males of the larger society who control the economic activity]. Code-Duke Energy and Progressive Energy merger=biggest illegal activity in America's history concerning Duke Energy members already on Progressive Board [94.5 fm radio] and the fact that after agreeing to merger of PROGRESSive [Energy] and DUKE [Energy] that [BILL][like in Dollar Bill] Johnson resigned as CEO of PROGRESSive [Energy][]. Code -before it can take place in the natural realm it has to take place in the spirit realm; DUKE [energy] represents the [African American]guy who wants to date me; PROGRESSive [energy] is suppose to represent the progress of African American male as an African American male; HOWEVER African American males are NOT allowed to PROGRESS as African American males; therefore the removal of BILL [as in Dollar Bill] Johnson from PROGRESSive [energy]to ensure that DUKE[African American male][energy] does not PROGRESSive [energy]was crucial. Radio announcers/commentators are calling it criminal; yet I can not walk from my house to a local library or get on a local bus [WSTA][especially if guy who wants to date me is on the [WSTA bus]without intimidation from authority because of desire live a wholesome life.
Verification: "Most Biophychologists would say that understanding the Social environment is as important as understanding the biological one." [Criminal Behavior; p. 25-26];
Verification: Local church attend 7/1/12; vestal[caucasian female in African american church]-gave recognition of relatives-one was already in the authority profession and the other was struggling and trying hard to be an authority figure=explains connection of why African American female in charge felt/feels comfortable with expecting no ramifications from her/their part in the stealing of twin.[they covered by authorities.
Duke Energy and Progress Energy to Merge Jan. 10, 2011
- $26 Billion Transaction Will Create Nation’s Largest Utility with a Combined Enterprise Value of $65 Billion
- Diversified Generation Portfolio in Six Regulated Service Territories
- Transaction Expected to be Accretive to Adjusted Diluted Earnings in First Year
- Approximately $65 billion in enterprise value and $37 billion in market capitalization
- The country’s largest regulated customer base, providing service to approximately 7.1 million electric customers in six regulated service territories North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Indiana, Kentucky and Ohio
- Approximately 57 gigawatts of domestic generating capacity from a diversified mix of coal, nuclear, natural gas, oil and renewable resources
- The largest regulated nuclear fleet in the country.
“Combining Duke Energy and Progress Energy creates a utility with greater financial strength and enhanced ability to meet our challenges head-on,” Rogers continued.
“This combination of two outstanding companies is a natural fit,” said Bill Johnson, chairman, president and chief executive officer of Progress Energy. “It makes clear strategic sense and creates exceptional value for our shareholders. Together, we can leverage our best practices to achieve even higher levels of safety, operational excellence and customer satisfaction, and save money for customers by combining our fuel purchasing power and the dispatch of our generating plants.
“This merger also provides predictable earnings and cash flows to support our dividend payments to shareholders,” Johnson added.
Under the merger agreement, Progress Energy’s shareholders will receive 2.6125 shares of common stock of Duke Energy in exchange for each share of Progress Energy common stock. Based on Duke Energy’s closing share price on Jan. 7, 2011, Progress Energy shareholders would receive a value of $46.48 per share, or $13.7 billion in total equity value.
Duke Energy also will assume approximately $12.2 billion in Progress Energy net debt. The transaction price represents a 7.1 percent premium to the unaffected closing stock price of Progress Energy on Jan. 5, 2011, and a 3.9 percent premium to the closing stock price of Progress Energy on Jan. 7, 2011.
The transaction price also represents a 6.6 percent premium to the average closing stock price of Progress Energy over the last 20 trading days ending Jan. 5, 2011, and a 6.4 percent premium over the last 20 trading days ending Jan. 7, 2011.
Following completion of the merger, officials anticipate Duke Energy shareholders will own approximately 63 percent of the combined company and Progress Energy shareholders will own approximately 37 percent on a fully diluted basis.
The combination is anticipated to be accretive to Duke Energy’s adjusted earnings in the first year after closing.
Based on Duke Energy’s current quarterly cash dividend of 24.5 cents per common share, Progress Energy shareholders would receive an approximate 3 percent dividend increase.
Duke Energy expects to effect a reverse stock split immediately prior to closing, and, as a result, the exchange ratio will be appropriately adjusted at that time to reflect the reverse split.
Structure, Organization & Leadership
When the merger is completed, Rogers will become executive chairman of the new organization. In this role, Rogers will advise the CEO on strategic matters, play an active role in government relations and serve as the company’s lead spokesperson on energy policy.
Johnson will become president and chief executive officer of the new company.
Both Rogers and Johnson will serve on the board of directors of the combined company, which will be composed of 18 members, with 11 designated by Duke Energy’s board of directors and seven designated by Progress Energy’s board of directors.
The combined company will be headquartered in Charlotte and will maintain substantial operations in Raleigh.
Until the merger has received all necessary approvals and has closed, the companies will continue to operate as separate entities.
Customers will see no change in their current electric utility companies including: Progress Energy Carolinas and Progress Energy Florida and Duke Energy Carolinas, Duke Energy Indiana, Duke Energy Ohio, Duke Energy Kentucky, Commercial Power, Duke Energy Generation Services and Duke Energy International.
Approvals & TimingCompletion of the merger is conditioned upon, among other things, the approval of the shareholders of both companies, as well as expiration or termination of any applicable waiting period under the Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act of 1976.
Other necessary regulatory filings include: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), North Carolina Utilities Commission (NCUC) and South Carolina Public Service Commission (SCPSC).
The companies also will provide information regarding the merger to their other state regulators: the Florida Public Service Commission, Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission, Kentucky Public Service Commission and Ohio Public Utilities Commission.
The companies are targeting a closing by the end of 2011.
AdvisorsJ.P. Morgan served as lead financial advisor and provided a fairness opinion to Duke Energy, and BofA Merrill Lynch also provided a fairness opinion to Duke Energy. Lazard Frères served as lead financial advisor and provided a fairness opinion to Progress Energy, and Barclays Capital also served as a financial advisor and provided a fairness opinion to Progress Energy. Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz served as legal counsel for Duke Energy. Hunton & Williams LLP served as legal counsel for Progress Energy.
Conference Call & WebcastRogers and Johnson will discuss the combination of the two companies on a conference call today at 10 a.m. EST.
The call will be available by telephone and audio webcast. The speakers will discuss information presented in handouts that are available through the Duke Energy or Progress Energy investor websites. Participants are encouraged to access the handouts before the teleconference begins.
Webcast Instructions: To gain access to the webcast, which will be listen-only, please go to or and click on the audio webcast link. Please log on to the website at least 10 minutes prior to the call to register and download and install any necessary audio software. A replay of the webcast also will be available beginning at 1 p.m. today for two weeks.
Teleconference Instructions: The telephone number for today’s teleconference is 1-800-458-9009 for U.S. callers (1-719-325-2459 for international callers). Participants will be asked to provide their name and business affiliation. The conference access code is 3024536. A telephone replay will be available beginning at 1 p.m. today for 30 days. The replay telephone number is 1-888-203-1112.
About Duke EnergyDuke Energy is one of the largest electric power holding companies in the United States. Its regulated utility operations serve approximately 4 million customers located in five states in the Southeast and Midwest, representing a population of approximately 11 million people. Its commercial power and international business segments own and operate diverse power generation assets in North America and Latin America, including a growing portfolio of renewable energy assets in the United States. Headquartered in Charlotte, N.C., Duke Energy is a Fortune 500 company traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol DUK. More information about the company is available on the Internet at:
About Progress EnergyProgress Energy (NYSE: PGN), headquartered in Raleigh, N.C., is a Fortune 500 energy company with about 22,000 megawatts of generation capacity and approximately $10 billion in annual revenues. Progress Energy includes two major electric utilities that serve about 3.1 million customers in the Carolinas and Florida. The company has earned the Edison Electric Institute's Edison Award, the industry's highest honor, in recognition of its operational excellence, and was the first utility to receive the prestigious J.D. Power and Associates Founder's Award for customer service. The company is pursuing a balanced strategy for a secure energy future, which includes aggressive energy-efficiency programs, investments in renewable energy technologies and a state-of-the-art electricity system. Progress Energy celebrated a century of service in 2008. Visit the company’s website at
Cautionary Statements Regarding Forward-Looking InformationThis document contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements are typically identified by words or phrases such as “may, ” “will,” “anticipate,” “estimate,” “expect,” “project,” “intend,” “plan,” “believe,” “target,” “forecast,” and other words and terms of similar meaning. Forward-looking statements involve estimates, expectations, projections, goals, forecasts, assumptions, risks and uncertainties. Duke Energy and Progress Energy caution readers that any forward-looking statement is not a guarantee of future performance and that actual results could differ materially from those contained in the forward-looking statement. Such forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements about the benefits of the proposed merger involving Duke Energy and Progress Energy, including future financial and operating results, Duke Energy’s or Progress Energy’s plans, objectives, expectations and intentions, the expected timing of completion of the transaction, and other statements that are not historical facts. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those indicated by such forward-looking statements include risks and uncertainties relating to: the ability to obtain the requisite Duke Energy and Progress Energy shareholder approvals; the risk that Progress Energy or Duke Energy may be unable to obtain governmental and regulatory approvals required for the merger, or required governmental and regulatory approvals may delay the merger or result in the imposition of conditions that could cause the parties to abandon the merger; the risk that a condition to closing of the merger may not be satisfied; the timing to consummate the proposed merger; the risk that the businesses will not be integrated successfully; the risk that the cost savings and any other synergies from the transaction may not be fully realized or may take longer to realize than expected; disruption from the transaction making it more difficult to maintain relationships with customers, employees or suppliers; the diversion of management time on merger-related issues; general worldwide economic conditions and related uncertainties; the effect of changes in governmental regulations; and other factors discussed or referred to in the "Risk Factors" section of each of Duke Energy's and Progress Energy's most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. These risks, as well as other risks associated with the merger, will be more fully discussed in the joint proxy statement/prospectus that will be included in the Registration Statement on Form S-4 that will be filed with the SEC in connection with the merger. Additional risks and uncertainties are identified and discussed in Progress Energy’s and Duke Energy’s reports filed with the SEC and available at the SEC’s website at Each forward-looking statement speaks only as of the date of the particular statement and neither Duke Energy nor Progress Energy undertakes any obligation to update or revise its forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.
Non-GAAP Financial MeasuresAdjusted Earnings per Share Accretion in Year OneThis news release includes a discussion of Duke Energy’s assumption that the merger transaction is anticipated to be accretive in the first year after closing, based upon adjusted diluted EPS.
This accretion assumption is a non-GAAP financial measure as it is based upon diluted EPS from continuing operations attributable to Duke Energy Corporation shareholders, adjusted for the per-share impact of special items and the mark-to-market impacts of economic hedges in the Commercial Power segment.
Special items represent certain charges and credits, which management believes will not be recurring on a regular basis, although it is reasonably possible such charges and credits could recur. Mark-to-market adjustments reflect the mark-to-market impact of derivative contracts, which is recognized in GAAP earnings immediately as such derivative contracts do not qualify for hedge accounting or regulatory accounting treatment, used in Duke Energy’s hedging of a portion of the economic value of its generation assets in the Commercial Power segment. The economic value of the generation assets is subject to fluctuations in fair value due to market price volatility of the input and output commodities (e.g., coal, power) and, as such, the economic hedging involves both purchases and sales of those input and output commodities related to the generation assets. Because the operations of the generation assets are accounted for under the accrual method, management believes that excluding the impact of mark-to-market changes of the economic hedge contracts from adjusted earnings until settlement better matches the financial impacts of the hedge contract with the portion of the economic value of the underlying hedged asset. Management believes that the presentation of adjusted diluted EPS provides useful information to investors, as it provides them an additional relevant comparison of the company’s performance across periods. Adjusted diluted EPS is also used as a basis for employee incentive bonuses.
The most directly comparable GAAP measure for adjusted diluted EPS is reported diluted EPS from continuing operations attributable to Duke Energy Corporation common shareholders, which includes the impact of special items (including costs-to-achieve the merger) and the mark-to-market impacts of economic hedges in the Commercial Power segment. On a reported diluted EPS basis, this transaction is not anticipated to be accretive due to the level of costs-to-achieve the merger. Due to the forward-looking nature of this non-GAAP financial measure for future periods, information to reconcile it to the most directly comparable GAAP financial measure is not available at this time, as management is unable to project special items or mark-to-market adjustments for future periods.
Additional Information and Where to Find ItThis document does not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any securities, or a solicitation of any vote or approval, nor shall there be any sale of securities in any jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful prior to registration or qualification under the securities laws of any such jurisdiction. In connection with the proposed merger between Duke Energy and Progress Energy, Duke Energy will file with the SEC a Registration Statement on Form S-4 that will include a joint proxy statement of Duke Energy and Progress Energy that also constitutes a prospectus of Duke Energy. Duke Energy and Progress Energy will deliver the joint proxy statement/prospectus to their respective stockholders. Duke Energy and Progress Energy urge investors and stockholders to read the joint proxy statement/prospectus regarding the proposed merger when it becomes available, as well as other documents filed with the SEC, because they will contain important information. You may obtain copies of all documents filed with the SEC regarding this transaction, free of charge, at the SEC's website ( You may also obtain these documents, free of charge, from Duke Energy’s website ( under the heading “Investors” and then under the heading “Financials/SEC Filings.” You may also obtain these documents, free of charge, from Progress Energy’s website ( under the tab “Investors” and then under the heading “SEC Filings.”
Participants in the Merger SolicitationDuke Energy, Progress Energy, and their respective directors, executive officers and certain other members of management and employees may be soliciting proxies from Duke Energy and Progress Energy stockholders in favor of the merger and related matters. Information regarding the persons who may, under the rules of the SEC, be deemed participants in the solicitation of Duke Energy and Progress Energy stockholders in connection with the proposed merger will be set forth in the joint proxy statement/prospectus when it is filed with the SEC. You can find information about Duke Energy’s executive officers and directors in its definitive proxy statement filed with the SEC on March 22, 2010. You can find information about Progress Energy’s executive officers and directors in its definitive proxy statement filed with the SEC on March 31, 2010. Additional information about Duke Energy’s executive officers and directors and Progress Energy’s executive officers and directors can be found in the above-referenced Registration Statement on Form S-4 when it becomes available. You can obtain free copies of these documents from Duke Energy and Progress Energy using the contact information above. Contact: | Duke Energy - Tom Williams |
Phone: | 704-382-8333 |
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Contact: | Duke Energy - Bill Currens |
Phone: | 704-382-1603 |
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Contact: | Duke Energy - Stephen De May |
Phone: | 704-382-2620 |
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Contact: | Progress Energy - Mike Hughes |
Phone: | 919-546-6189 |
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Contact: | Progress Energy - Bob Drennan |
Phone: | 919-546-7474 |
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Contact: | Progress Energy - Bryan Kimzey |
Phone: | 919-546-6931 |
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Former Progress Energy CEO Bill Johnson Resigns, Gets USD 10.5 Million As Compensation
New York, July 5 ( – Former Progress Energy (NYSE: PGN) CEO, Bill Johnson is reportedly been paid $10.3 million as settlement amount after in a dramatic development he was asked to leave the post, hours after the merger with Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK).In a filing done today with the Securities and Exchange Commission, Duke Energy confirmed the settlement dues paid to former CEO. Johnson who gave the impression of his being reappointed as CEO after the merger to create largest electric utility suddenly resigned on Tuesday.
What is even more bewildering was that Johnson has signed a three-year-old contract after the merger between Progressive and Duke.
In the information filed with the SEC, Duke reports that former CEO, Johnson will be given a payout of $7.4 million, 2012 bonus of $1.4 million and an agreed sum of up to $1.5 million for withdrawing from the post of CEO. Jim Rogers, CEO of Duke Energy will now be looking after both the companies.
Lance Armstrong "LIVE STRONG"
Think it is quite interesting that I bought some of Armstrongs loud yellow bracelets that say "Live Strong" and after keeping them for about ayear; put them on . Immediately there was a response; think I blogged about it; the fact that the Caucasian female and black male that live on the street that I live and have a camera in the house that I am living in; After I put on three yellow bracelets; then the white female and black male put up sign[political-in yellow were the words [something about cause harm to children]; message wearing the color yellow causes harm to children=because of monoriting of person; what they wear; etc. they consider yellow to represent WARNING; therefore threat that they are being warned.
The issue [as is with everything else in my life is what I represent] therefore is one relating to the fact of "Live Strong"; which would include my living a strong life that would include not having to be bothered with the bastards or anything else connected to them; and if that were to be the case that means that the people in the United States would not be under attack by authorities and most of what they are doing would be knocked down; So in order to send a message as well as alter the spirit realm to ensure that I[what I represent-African American prospering as and helping African American culture to progress and prosper] do NOT "LIVE STRONG"- Lance Armstrong HAD to be attacked in some manner to STOP anything associated with "LIVE STRONG" and Lance Armstrongs name.[KNOW it sounds strange] for Millions of dollars to be spent on a legal issue; tying up everybody's time effort and energy; BUT Lance Armstrong and him and his family, company; etc. all belong to them and their system; he may not know it BUT somebody connected to him does. Confirmation Clue-case is in the high courts.
AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — A federal judge handed Lance Armstrong a quick setback Monday as he went to court to save his seven Tour de France titles and his reputation as one of the greatest cyclists ever.
Armstrong filed a lawsuit aimed at preventing the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency from moving ahead with charges that he used performance-enhancing drugs throughout much of his career. But within hours, U.S. District Court Judge Sam Sparks in Austin dismissed the 80-page complaint. He said it seemed more intended to whip up public opinion in Armstrong's favor than focus on legal arguments.
The judge was not impressed with a filing that dedicated dozens of pages to Armstrong's career history and long-standing disputes with anti-doping officials. "This Court is not inclined to indulge Armstrong's desire for publicity, self-aggrandizement or vilification of Defendants, by sifting through eighty mostly unnecessary pages in search of the few kernels of factual material relevant to his claims," Sparks wrote.
Herman said he got the message. "When (Sparks ) speaks, I listen," he said. "It doesn't change the legal issues involved or any of the relief that we seek." The lawsuit was an aggressive, and expected, move as Armstrong seeks to preserve his racing legacy and his place as an advocate for cancer survivors and research. He wants Sparks to bar the USADA from pursuing its case or issuing any sanctions against him.
Armstrong asked the court to issue an injunction by Saturday, the deadline to formally challenge the case against him in USADA's arbitration process or accept the agency's sanctions. He could receive a lifetime ban from cycling and be stripped of his Tour de France victories if found guilty.
Armstrong insists he is innocent. "The process (USADA) seeks to force upon Lance Armstrong is not a fair process and truth is not its goal," his lawsuit said, calling the USADA process a corrupt "kangaroo court."
Tygart, who was named as co-defendant, said Armstrong's lawsuit is "aimed at concealing the truth" and predicted Sparks will rule in the agency's favor. USADA, created in 2000 and recognized by Congress as the official anti-doping agency for Olympic sports in the United States , formally charged Armstrong in June with taking performance-enhancing drugs and participating in a vast doping conspiracy on his Tour de France winning teams, some of which were sponsored by the U.S. Postal Service.
The charges came after a two-year federal criminal investigation of Armstrong ended in February with no charges filed. The anti-doping agency, however, says up to 10 former teammates and associates are willing to testify against him and that it has blood samples from 2009-2010 that are "fully consistent" with doping.
Armstrong, who retired in 2011, says he has passed more than 500 drug tests in his career and was never flagged for a positive test. Armstrong's lawsuit makes several arguments: — USADA's rules and arbitration are designed to find athletes guilty. Athletes are not allowed to subpoena documents or compel witnesses to testify in a hearing. USADA has so far withheld the names of most of the witnesses against Armstrong, saying it is protecting them from potential intimidation.
— The International Cycling Union, cycling's governing body, which licensed Armstrong to ride professionally, should have jurisdiction over the allegations. Armstrong says allegations of doping by him and his team that were first raised by admitted drug-user Floyd Landis in 2010 should be addressed by UCI.
— USADA may have violated federal law if it coerced witness testimony against him with deals to reduce punishments for riders facing doping charges. Media reports last week said former Armstrong teammates George Hincapie, Levi Leipheimer, David Zabriskie and Christian Vande Velde, who are all riding in this year's Tour de France, may be witnesses against him.
In a twist, Armstrong is arguing against rules that his personal manager, Bill Stapleton, helped draft when he was a board member of the U.S. Olympic Committee and served as the chairman of the athletes' advisory council.
Armstrong's representatives have said those rules were written to deal with cases of athletes facing positive drug tests and lab results, not a case like Armstrong's where the evidence is weighted toward anecdotal witness testimony.
Legal experts were divided on the strength of Armstrong's case. "USADA is a unique agency, far from perfect ... but that doesn't necessarily mean it's unconstitutional," said Michael McCann, director of the Sports Law Institute at Vermont Law School . "He makes some good points, but his chances for success are less than likely."
An Armstrong victory in court, however, could shake USADA to its core, said Michael Straubel, law professor and director of the Sports Law Clinic at Valparaiso University . Straubel, who has represented athletes with doping cases before USADA, called Armstrong's lawsuit a "strong case" for greater protection for athletes.
"This is huge. It has tremendous implications for USADA. I really hope USADA thought all this through before it got things started," Straubel said. To be successful on his constitutional claims, Armstrong must show that USADA is acting as a government agency. The lawsuit notes that USADA is mostly funded by the federal government and that some of the evidence against him was collected during the federal criminal investigation. On its website, however, USADA calls itself an independent agency.
USADA could ask the court to allow its arbitration process to go ahead, requiring Armstrong to raise his claims after a decision is made. But Armstrong predicts he can't win in a system stacked against him, and says he needs the court to step in now.
Also charged by USADA are former Armstrong team manager Johan Bruyneel and several team doctors and associates. None of them is included in Armstrong's lawsuit, but they could be affected by any legal decision because USADA consolidated their charges with Armstrong's.
Saturday, July 07, 2012
Have blogged concerning local farmer and possible connection[s] that encourage and allow abuse and robbery of worker[s] related to permission from authority; found story/confirmation about local person that am helping a local market in which one of the persons connections are such that they are familar [have had dealings]with the communication system concerning the robbery/economic; etc. of African Americans. [especially concerning negotiating a settlement];Today at local market=males of the larger society=had Black couple in royal blue outfits to approach Swi-zer stand; while white couple [female pregnant] stood in front of the stand I was at; then had African American male and female to avoid coming infront of stand that I was at=suppose to be symbolic of giving Switzer relationship that guy who wants to date me [like Duke][royal blue color] from African American community [which romantic relationship that is good is not allowed in black community][in exchange for living in white community with a bastard child]; Word to the Wise =God sent me here as an African American=please back off=bastards have kept and held my life for over thirty years=stopo;
book Kacking Work by Bill Jensen and Hosh Klein=explain the system of how they have been using my gift and talents to hack their system; then reap the benefits and if I don't then I don't live=tired=STOP bother me=ask local librarian at 5th Street library fat and black a question=she called secrutity=they changed it so person cannot have a reservation and use another computer til time.
The story/Confirmation of connections: is as follows and one of the individuals was accused of misdealings through established system:
WINSTON-SALEM -- In 1997, Forsyth County farmer Vern Swi-zer was part of a class-action lawsuit a group of black farmers filed against the federal government, alleging years of racial discrimination.
The farmers successfully negotiated a settlement, but some still haven't seen any money. That may change after a federal judge's final approval of a second settlement worth $1.25 billion.
But Swi-zer said last week he's not sure if he or other black farmers will ever see a dime.
"They keep passing resolutions and I haven't heard anything," he said. "I don't know if this is a smokescreen or what."
Black farmers filed a lawsuit against Dan Glic-man, then the U.S. secretary of agriculture, in 1997. The original plaintiff in the lawsuit was North Carolina farmer Timothy Pig-ord before the lawsuit became a class-action suit.
The lawsuit said from 1983 to 1997, the U.S. Department of Agriculture denied black farmers loans and other benefits and failed to investigate claims of racial discrimination, violating federal civil rights laws.
The farmers alleged the Agriculture Department had a history of racial discrimination spanning nearly 20
U.S. District Judge Paul Frie-man approved a first settlement in 1999, but some farmers didn't get money because they didn't file their claims in time. In February 2010, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder and U.S. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced a $1.25 billion settlement. Congress included $100 million in a 2008 farm bill and appropriated an additional $1.15 billion in November 2010.
Frie-man gave final approval of the $1.25 billion settlement Oct. 27. The settlement will affect about 40,000 black farmers.
Switzer said some farmers in the first settlement received $50,000 to $100,000. That's not a lot of money considering many of those farmers have millions of dollars of debt, he said.
"A lot of people are $1 million in debt, so $50,000 isn't even a drop in the bucket," Swi-zer said.
Some black farmers spoke out against the proposed deal during a hearing in September. Thomas Bur-ell, president of the Black Farmers and Agriculturalists Inc. in Memphis, Tenn., said he plans to appeal the ruling on due process and equal protection grounds, according to The Commercial Appeal newspaper.
Switzer said this country was built off the backs of black slaves.
"Mostly every farmer in this country benefited from the black farmer that was brought from Africa," he said.
Swi-zer said he hopes black farmers will be compensated for years of racial discrimination, but he isn't concerned about the money because he loves farming.
"I was born a farmer and I'll die a farmer," he said.
July 2, 2012
Office of Bar Counsel
re: Ethics complaint against member Eric H. Holder, Jr.
Dear board members,
This letter serves as notice that a complaint is being filed against one of your members for professionalmisconduct. A search of your website at shows Eric H. Holder, Jr., currentlyAttorney General of the United States, has been an active DC Bar member since he was admitted on January 23, 1980.
As per your professional standards published as Rule 8.4, “Misconduct,” at link, “It is professional misconduct for a lawyer to:
”It would appear that several, if not all of these rules, have been violated as evidenced by Eric Holder having been found in contempt of Congress on June 28, 2012 “for refusal to comply with a subpoena dulyissued by the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform” (Note House Calendar No. 140/Report112-546 appearing at: link).
- (a) Violate or attempt to violate the Rules of Professional Conduct, knowingly assist or induce another to do so, or do so through the acts of another;
- (b) Commit a criminal act that reflects adversely on the lawyer’s honesty, trustworthiness, or fitness as alawyer in other respects;
- (c) Engage in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit, or misrepresentation;
- (d) Engage in conduct that seriously interferes with the administration of justice;
- (e) State or imply an ability to influence improperly a government agency or official;
- (f) Knowingly assist a judge or judicial officer in conduct that is a violation of applicable rules of judicial conduct or other law; or
- (g) Seek or threaten to seek criminal charges or disciplinary charges solely to obtain an advantage in acivil matter.
“While District of Columbia courts have not (yet) been involved, there is no question that the Congress has found the Attorney General guilty of contempt under conditions that rise to your definition of ‘serious crime’,” the letter reminds the board. “It would also appear that Attorney General Holder is required to report the contempt finding to you within the ten day requirement, and that the Bar ‘shall’ investigate this matter.”
Holder Bar Complaint (full doc)
Thursday, July 05, 2012
Happy 4th of July = no family member came by or picked me up for a good celebration for the fourth of July; HOWEVER, two nephews [Brandon][SAGE-stage name] got a call all of a sudden to go to "Kernsersville, N. C. to meet a female who likes Brandon[SAGE-stage name] songs that he wrote=WRONG-Cynthia [who louise left money] did not have anything for/with the family to communicate to the "K"'s that she is in agreement with the payoff-Brandon[SAGE]-rise to fame=in exchange for turning her head concerning any abuse. Whoever they=? are= locate in "K"ernerville; neither nephew, brother, sister responded when asked them to bring me some food. Sister lied=said she was sick had to go to the doctor; nephew called-checked if I was at home=then did not even bring items[food,etc.] that I have given money to buy and bring by; other nephew=his wife sick; etc..
RESULT= authority that operates city KNOWS-family have given them permission to harass and intimidate in exchange for payment=and on 7/5/12 upon getting dressed to go down town=way ahead of time before the bus comes=4:05 pm; but DID NOT go to the bus stop; BUT WSTA SUPERVISOR'S BUS showed; drove pass the bus stop to the end of the street; YELLED up the street=You need a ride=? couple that had turned the corner came back and asked me if I needed a dollar to ride the bus; told them NO!; just don't like the abuse and harassment from the drivers; then told them to think about it; asked them-"Am I any where near the bus stop; the bus stop is way around the corner; why is he yelling half way up the street if I need a ride. They both just looked at each other; I thanked them for offering and they walked off. As they walked up the street=on the corner was a "PIKE" [contracted out to Duke Energy] energy truck.[harassment].
Did get a ride to downtown.
Heard on 94.5 Fm radio on 7/4/12 late night or early morning where a video had been made of a female bus monitor [Caucasian female] who was on a bus taking students home. The video shows how the children harassment and intimidating the Caucasian female [], which is a short version of thirty plus years of the same thing. In the Caucasian females situation; the harassment was done by Caucasian children=ethnic intimidation [harassment and intimidation done by the same race] if anyone interviewed the female they would find out that being harassed by children and adults is a way of life because if she complains she is the one attacked. In her particular situatioin, she got lucky somebody made a video tape.
In my particular situation the harassment is done by [African American children, African American adults, and Caucasian males in authority] The African American children and adults work for the Caucasian males and the AFrican American adluts included the female who birth me who taught my sibling[sister by birth how to harass and intimidate me=in a manner so that I want go off; but just enough abyse to satify the white males so that the white males are comfortable that I am being abuse and not enjoying life.
Movie #1=Australia=It is a movie about a kid who is not white and not black=sounds like my nephew=one of his best friends was white= "ZACK"-like ZACK Reynolds of local Reynolds[who my daddy use to hang out with]; interesting is that the little boy in the movie real name is BRANDON=what a surprise! The movie is about a little boy who has to run from the government because they want to take him and put him into a home so they can take care of him BUT the white woman wants to keep the little boy who is not allowed to do things with the blacks or do things with the whites; and in order to go to the movie has to color himself with black tar so he could look black. The white lady figures out that the little boy is the son of one of the well to do white males as are all of the children who are neither black or white in the movie. The father of the boy threatens to kill the white lady who wants to keep the boy if she tells his wife that the boy is his son.
Point=my daddy's father was white who spent some time with him and did not like white people because of how they treated black people. Intersing that the name "KING";ASHly"; and NULLah=?
Confirmation: Movie made in 2008=?code=issue with children and color=that was in Australia; same type issue in the United States[especially Winton-Salem, N. C.];
Bryan Brown
King Carney
Movie #2 ATTACK FORCE []-made in 2006-issue= chemical put in city water=code=okay to put something in local waters=?= African American female[strange] goes with three guys who intend to have fun her; but she kills all three of them; then the head person starts looking for them; found them dead and then investigates what happen; Again=males of the larger society [authority] had created a secret chemical; which was to be use to CONTROL the population=to make them do what they [Authority] want them to do. Go to any African American Community and look at any manhole cover for the water on the streeet and they are all marked with GREEN [lime green][same color as the buses at WSTA[Winston-Salem Transit AUTHORITY][also the same color as the GREEN light in the movie "Redemption"
which is about Stan Williams]; Confrimation-Chemicals in water;
Movie #3 REDEMPTION []-made in 2004-issue-African American male in confinement as result of decisions in dealing with society; realizes that decisions were wrong; tried to correct while in confinement by turning children and adults[African Americans] around so that African
Americans did not participate in violence by writing childrens books; After being nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize; he was set up to make it look like he was lying about being a changed person; Stan Williams created gangs=Red/Blue=and understood how to keep them seperated.
Americans did not participate in violence by writing childrens books; After being nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize; he was set up to make it look like he was lying about being a changed person; Stan Williams created gangs=Red/Blue=and understood how to keep them seperated.
Confirmation-Part of the reason Stan Williams was kept on death row was because he would recognize his system that he designed. He knew gangs and how to manipulate and control them; if he remained on the face of the earth he would have recognized the same system being used to devide the African American family.
Last thing is that the Caucasian female on the bus was shown receiving and accepting abuse for five minutes; I have been going through and not accepting the abuse for over thirty years.
So who stops the "K" in authority?