Postings at the Hanes Hosiery Recreation Center, where the computer[s] on the end where usually use has been fixed so they do not work; can't access, internet, blog, email, etc.
[Tuesday, July 8, 2014 12:13 AM]

[email sent- tuesday, July 8, 2014 12:13 AM]
Article in the Winston-Salem Journal about overpolicing, in which picture of white male being policed is on the front page[?];
note-voting for white males being threaten?];
[ Tuesday, July 8, 2014 12:13 AM]
Stick put by mail box as form of sexual harassment;
[Tuesday, July 8, 2014 12:11 AM]
They leave paper/sticks etc. on curve with words,etc. as form of harassment;
[email sent-Tuesday, July 8, 2014 12:11 AM];
Something they left by curve;
[email sent-Tuesday, July 8, 2014 12:10 AM];
close up of picture above;
[email sent-Tuesday, July 8, 2014 12:10 AM]
Picture of Warning label from Gwyndolyn Gwyn[s] and relatives shooting fireworks on 4th of July, 2014; the entire street/my yard clean except for the warning label in yard;
Gwyns and mccraes shot fire crackers for the 4th of july,saw fire crackes in mccraes driveway on july 4th,2014 and they left the warning paper in my yard as a threat, know it was them because all the other paper in the street had been picked up,and only the warning paper from the fire crackers was in my yard- all other yards were cleaned,took pictures of street and other yards which were clean, had to take part of group,moores to court for throwing trash in yard in. Apprx. 4,2010. The group had been throwing paper in my yard for years and would not stop, in fact they still throw paper on the side in the back, even though i havetaken them to court and asked them to stop,
[email sent-Tuesday, July 8, 2014 12:09 AM];
Picture of warning label in yard by tree;
8.Vern sw-tzer on sunday school committee with female name cynthia, and cintas and goodwill trucks have recently been driving pass switzers vegetable stand, just like the north carolina prison trucks, which sibling cynthia,s boss gladys is an exprison warden,;[email sent-Saturday, July 5, 2014 8:26 PM];
9.Vern sw-tzer on sunday school committee with female name cynthia, and cintas and goodwill trucks have recently been driving pass sw-tzers vegetable stand, just like the north carolina prison trucks, which sibling cynthia,s boss gladys is an exprison warden;[email sent-Saturday, July 5, 2014 8:06 PM];
10. Vern switzer put a huge trailor beside smal blue trailor as code to white males that he making decicions for me and guy who wears blue, vern switzer can not make any of my persomal ddcisions and v. Switzer 4s not nor can he make decisions for me.;[email-sent-[Friday, July 4, 2014 5:52 PM];
[ Thursday, July 3, 2014 11:43 PM];
Gwyndolyn gwyn and family use the positioning of how cars are parked to tell other bastards how to treat me, which 2day is as a grandma, by gwyndolyn gwyn letting her grandson park in her space, vern switzer dinner from k and w is bribe and technic used that if u eat the food that the person is in agreement, which i am not in agreement with anythng they do and do not want to belong to a group that tells a person who they can be or what they can do or can,t do, or that practices witchcraft,which is why an switzer put her filthy drawls by door, which white males could see very easily, which ann switzer may have or maybe ran a prostitute ring,lot of land and white males.; [email sent-Thursday, July 3, 2014 11:43 PM];
[email sent-Thursday, July 3, 2014 11:09 PM];
Vern sw-tzer put a pack of grandma cookies beside a k and w drink on the dash board ofhis truck as way to communicate that group say i can be a grandma, but not have a husband, gwydolyn gwyn parked caraway side door and let her grandson have her space at the side door as code to group that they are to treat me as a grandma,tired of bastards
[email sent-Thursday, July 3, 2014 4:49 PM];
Confirmation that ann switzer is a prostitute is that ann switzer took her drawls and put them by the door when vern sw-tzer told ann switzer to fill in for me at the vegetable stand while i. Picked beans,when i came back from picking beans,ann sw-tzer had put nasty drawls by the door, and a fan by the cash register, the door is the only entrance to put up and get vegetables- ann sw-tzer left the nasty nasty drawls by the front door with a fan by the cash register because prostitutes associtate money and sex with money and bet ann sw-tzer has slept with the white males she work for which is why she could retire b-cause only black females who work in secret can worj fulltime longterm.;note-did get a chance to go through clothes and they were dirty[Ann sw-tzer was insulted because I did not put on her dirty clothes- made statement, I am a clean person-question-then why did she give me dirty clothes to put on and tell me to put them on it if I want a job[?];
14. Vern sw-tzer and city of ws and white males all connected and use code about blacks who do not work in secret for white males who own cintas and goodwill companies,in which both companies have started driving their trucks in front of switzer stand as form of harasment because gov official called me about complaint made about ticket for a bin and just like in hunger games where one person is selected to be reconize to represent group, white males pay people like sw-tzer to intimidate and block person from excercising their rights or being reconized as a person,and just like in the hunger games movie the other people are only allowed to watch selected person live while they have to live a live a life of abuse and exploitation.;[email sent-Thursday, July 3, 2014 2:17 PM];
15. Vern sw-tzertook his bottle of sprite soda and poured it over both of my knees as form of intimidation because i bought a 12 pack of sprite which to sw-tzer is symbolic of me being equal to him and to degrade me, while i was drinking my spite with my sandwhch-vern sw-tzer poured his spite on both of my knees, weuing,my pants on both my knees-and would not let me go and buy my own breakdast,said eranj had tn gn in and get my bseakfast,which is sw-tzer way of degrading me because frank is homeless and for me to eat food bought by a homeless man, to sw-tzer to have me eat food a homeless man has bought is to put me in the same category as being homeless which is the same system that the city of winston salem and white males use to block black people who do not work for white males in secret by forcing blacks into illegal activities,by blocking access to legal jobs.;[email sent-Thursday, July 3, 2014 12:50 PM];
16. Vern sw-tzer called @ 4,38 pm and said i could work monday after he went to greensboro market and wgte boy network informed switzer that he could be sued for forcibly grabing me by the arm yesteday.;
[email sent-Saturday, June 28, 2014 5:31 PM];
[email sent- Saturday, June 28, 2014 4:04 PM];
Article/picture in the Winston-salem journal that confirms system[s];
[email sent-Saturday, June 28, 2014 4:02 PM];
Article in the Winston-Salem Journal that confirms system;
[Email sent-Saturday, June 28, 2014 4:01];
Confirms system[s];
[email sent- Saturday, June 28, 2014 4:01 PM];
Code in upper right hand corner of Winston-Salem Journal article to white males;
[email sent-Saturday, June 28, 2014 4:00 PM];
1.note- big tall white male just came in computer lab; said something to one of the four African American males/age appx.12 to 15 years of age; then looked at me real hard[harder than normal][?];5:01pm;
2.note- asked the people in the computer room what time does the Hanes Hoseriy recreation center close on fridays; they all said 6:00pm[?];
a..note-all males in charge at Hanes Hoseiry Recreation Center are white males;
b.note-can-t post a picture at any computer without having to click on the picture twice; the first time there is a square with an "x"; then second time picture posts;
c. note-Ricky, Debra Turners boyfriend that lives in corner house is connected/involved, uses low level harassment; keeps pile of leaves by the edge of house/bricks[he put up] to communicate to white males that leaves are sysbolic of every AFrican American walking past leaves are suppose to be symbolic of of his helping white males to remove African Americans off of the face of the earth; and the City of Winston-Salem takes an extremely long time to pick the leaves up because they and RICKY are working together;
3.note-called KCM-grace-asked for prayer request concerning black male coming in and telling the children they had to leave[truck with AX just drove past outside]; but told me that I could stay in the comuter lab[?]; told her that I would call them at 6:00pm when I left the hanes Hosiery Recreation Center;5:35pm];[black male then came back ten minutes later and told me that I had to leave; closed all the blinds and turned out the light[harassment]-the way he closed the blinds and turned out the light