560 gm13i Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo., Wake Forest University, Winston-salem, nc, CRB library
1.Caught WSTAcity bus-robbin[african american female prostitute in secret] was the driver;went to Forsyth tech [since school back in session] to see if can use the canteen-was told that because school was out that nobody could use the canteen; but upon entering the door-the security guard-who is one of the people in the Gwyndolyn gwyn group-who knows robin the wsta bus driver-put arm out and said you are not allowed on property, leave-so turn and left while asking the security guard[bernie not working and he is filling in for bernie] for name of director-he said gregg=nothing else-said I did not need a last name and that I needed to contact campus "SECURITY" if I have any question[s]-which I will not; but upon trying to locate somebody to call the first thing that popped up was related to the 11th; like 9-11; like the World trade center/TWIN towers=whoever is in charge at Forsyth Tech security is part of system-[like in FERGUSON, Mo.], which was designed to rob/block African American[s] from their wealth;
Forsyth Tech Closed 8/11/15
We apologize for any inconvenience.
We will be open 8am-6:30pm on Wednesday, August 12 and Thursday, August 13 for Late Registration!
And upon requesting that the research computer be reserved; and while organizing papers,etc. before signing up on computer-which a 15 minute grace period is allowed Mayhand-the children's librarian approached and stated, If you are not using this[research] computer-you have to get up from the comuter so somebody else can use the computer; informed Mayhand that was organizing papers so that would not waste computer time-she found that hard to understand;
Also they have a "DOES NOT PRINT" sign on computer-put there to make it a more difficult process when using the research computer=even though a person my use the research computer-therefore be able to just use one computer for three hours-they still have to go to another computer to print, which may mean having to use TWO computers everytime and may mean having wait an hour or more if library is busy; part of the process of "TAKING SOMETHING AWAY";just like at Forsyth Tech, where Nichols who is connected to Ritchie Brooks at the WS Community and Business Development dept. who has written two or more violations as part of system of attack to help Gwyndolyn Gwyn group to rob of identity/wealth;
On Forsyth Tech website are a listing of offenses and who to call:
Who To Call
Main Campus and West Campus
Use this directory to determine the best place to call in the event of various types of on-campus emergencies and problems.During regular school hours, for emergencies, from campus phone, dial ext. 7911. For non-emergency incidents, dial ext. 7243.
Incident | Contact |
Criminal Activity | Campus Pol-ce |
Breaking and Entering | Campus Pol-ce |
Larceny | Campus Pol-ce |
Damage to School Building and/or Grounds | Maintenance(x7491) or Campus Pol-ce |
Fights on Campus | Campus Pol-ce |
Fires | Campus Pol-ce |
Rumors of Impending Disruptive Acts | Campus Pol-ce |
Assaults/Threats to Staff or Students | Campus Pol-ce |
Jumpstart / Keys Locked in Car | Campus Pol-ce |
If someone appears threatening | Campus Pol-ce |
Employee Criminal Acts | Campus Pol-ce |
Employee Misconduct | Human Resources (x7246) |
Bomb Threats | Campus Police |
Drugs, Alcohol or Weapons on Campus | Campus Pol-ce |
Alarm Malfunctions | Campus Pol-ce |
Need an Escort | Campus Pol-ce |
Lights Out on Campus | Maintenance (x7491) or Campus Pol-ce |
Injury or Medical Assistance | Campus Pol-ce |
Workplace Safety | Environmental Services (x7244) |
Northwest Center, Swisher Center, Woodruff Center and Transportation Center
Please contact the On-Site Security Officer for assistance at these sites.With "If someone appears threatening to call the Campus Pol-ce" being stated as the issue; which means anyone who looks stressed, abused or threaten by employees of Forsyth Tech is regarded as looking threatening or any person who is not accepting being threaten is put into the category of appearing threatening-which knows it violates some type of civil/human law; Main Campus: 2100 Silas Creek Parkway · Winston-Salem, NC 27103: Picture below is of the white people who teach African American[s] to hate black culture and uplift white culture[consciously or unconsciously intentionally][only way they can have a "JOB"]: |

Faculty and Staff Meeting
[vast majority=white male[s]]
Which is what Ritchie Brooks:

Director of [community and business dev. dept.]
[Picture of Ritchie Brooks was from about twenty years ago];
and Wanda Nichols

[picture of Wanda Nichols about twenty years ago];
at Mazzie Woodruff Forsyth Tech [community] college on Lansing drive are paid to do-attack/rob/steal/kill AFrican American[s] and their culture; while uplifting white male[s] system[s] and culture of robbing/stealing and killing of African American[s] not prostituting for white male[s];
Found verification and CONFIRMATION of program of connection the INCOME/MONEY/ECONOMICS and the city of winston-salem and Ritchie Brooks:
Economic Workforce Development
The Customer Service Center will assist you with course information, registration, and admission for all Economic Workforce Development programs and courses. Please call the Customer Service Center with any questions that you may have.Forsyth Tech West Campus
1300 Bolton Street
Winston-Salem, NC 27103
Ritchie Brooks[at Community and Business Development Dept.]: was in charge of the Workforce Development program that was located in building downtown for a carpentry program; which is where Ritchie Brooks signed on with white males to block/rob/steal from African Americans in Winston-Salem, NC;
Ritchie Brooks was also in charge of a city of winston-salem housing repair program; where white male[s] only and one African [Soloman] worked [and intimidated]African American[s] while they worked on house :

Solomon O. Apara,
Construction Management Project Supervisor
At the time- did not know that Solomon was put in AFrican American neighborhoods to help white males to attack/destroy and block African American[s] from money/income and in exchange white male[s] would raise up AFrican[s] [Obama's daddy was an African] in the United States;
The white male[s] and Solomon the African worked on house and did everything wrong-so that they could keep coming back to make money; but did not call the bastards back to work on house; and sure enough now city of winston-salem issuing violations-part of system to block African American[s] from making money to maintain property; then attack African American[s] for not maintaining property[did submit a complaint about work-they left hole in wall inside and outside the house so rodents could get in[which I had to repair and the rodents bacteria caused my dog to get sick-Ritchie Brooks thought it was funny]:
Forsyth Tech has a:
Complaint Resolution
In compliance with the new regulations, an institution offering distance education must provide enrolled and prospective students with contact information for filing complaints with its accrediting agency and with the appropriate state agency for handling complaints in the student’s state.While Forsyth Tech strives to provide the highest quality education opportunities available, conflicts may arise. It is our aim to resolve any grievances, complaints, and concerns in an expeditious, fair, and amicable manner. If an issue cannot be solved by Forsyth Tech’s internal processes, you may choose to file a complaint with your state of residence. (Click here to see the complaint process for each).
Forsyth Tech Complaint Resolution Structure
Academic Matters: Students should follow the academic appeals process outlined in the Student Handbook.
Discrimination Issues: Students should follow the process outlined in the Student Grievance Policy, also found in the Student Handbook.
Being that am an alumni of Forsyth Tech; think I should be able to use the complaint resolution;
2. This is a picture of a "VOLKSWAGON"=GERMAN= broken RED volkswagon kept in Gwyndolyn Gwyn[s] drive way; WSFC library website page posted black and white picture of a volkswagon with a person under it:
Auto Repair Reference Center
Posted on 8/1/2015 by Jacquelyn White
3. Pics taken:
A. This is royal blue dragon toy that was throwed in yard by one of the moore's family-who are members of the Gwyndolyn gwyn group;
B. After the DOT did repair work on Airport road where bunch of white male[s] were standing on the corner and blocking the bus stop; V. Switzer came by and asked to do some work on farm for him; and the city of winston-salem and the DOT dept. also had did some work in front of V. Switzer's farm= code:
All of the above was taking place while the city of winston-salem was issuing citations/violations for city bin/car/tires:
Royal blue jaguar parked at 3713 on a TWO day;[8/8/2015]
Picture of the pillowcase with the royal blue print that was put over the head rest of the passengers seat of the car that V. Switzer drives, where usually sit in passenger front seat;