note: it is now 1:28pm when posting pictures; pictures in email stated 10:25am [which is the time I was hanes hosiery recreation center];
Note: And Carver Road Branch Library is showing a movie, "Lego"-code=let go!=?;
Carver Road Branch Library will be showing "LEGO" movie from the childrens department and will be shown in the main part of the library, thus weather you want to see the movie or not; the people will hear the movie=unless they have on earphones=and code=?;
On 6/26/14; V. Sw-tzer did not pick up for work; today went to farm picked a basket of beans that that V. Sw-ter said to pick; then V. Sw-tzer said he told me to pick the ones beside the ones that I picked; but he did not, before he left, he pointed to the ones he wanted me to pick; then said because the wrong beans were picked that he was taking me home=thus two days=no income;[intentional on V. Sw-tzer part because I could have been told to just stand in one spot and would have steal been told I was wrong because V. Sw-tzer is upset because white males communicating he can't steal/exploit me and get away with it in the manner that he is doing so, so V. Sw-tzer has to come up with different ways to harass, intimidate, abuse, rob, steal/exploit=which will reveal to V. Sw-tzer V. Sw-tzer real character of robbery, stealing, etc. of African American[s];
Thus after V. Sw-tzer put me out of truck,went to Hanes Hosiery Recreation Center where they were having a city baseball challenge; after going inside the HHR Center, looked in the computer room, gym, walking trail; then Art Blevins shows up and in a disgusting manner states, "You can't be here today, summer camp is going on and you can't be here."; So asked if I could use the walking trail and Art Belvins stated, "Oh", you can you the walking trail, but you cannot use the computer lab or the gym, cause summer camp is going on."; Then I asked is the recreation center open today, Art Blevins said, "yes"; than I asked, "is the Hanes Hosiery Recreation Center opened to the public?"; Art Blevins said, "yes"; you can use the walking trail and nothing else and you need to sign in over there if you are using the walking trail."[there was a black female[driving city of WS car and black male Art Blevins called coach-they both looked very puzzled why Coach Art was talking so nasty and hastily to me]; then I preceded to look at the displays of newspaper articles, etc. about local and national sports figures associated with local sports; Art Blevins acted as if he was going to jump out of his skin or on me any minute because I was reading the articles that were on the tables,Art Blevins kept pacing quickly back and forth, he did so about five to six times, till he figured I wasn't moving; then he paced back and forth slowly like he was keeping check on me; like he could not leave me by myself;thus walked up the back stairs and took pictures of the pipes that were coming out of the wall; and the gym that was empty that Art Blevins told me I could not use be cause of the summer camp.
Pictures taken on 6/27/14 of the back stairs of Hanes Hosiery Recreation Center, which was in the African American community on Ivy Ave beside Hanes Jr. High/or Hanes Middle School; the news Hanes Hosiery Recreation Center on Akron Drive [about 5 to 6 years old]does not allow African American[s] come to use the HHRC; they are turned away, or intimidated to not come to the area-which is where new McDonalds[hired all hispanics], Northside bowling lanes[white male authority owner/ex owner connected with stealing of twin child], Goodyear tire company owned by
whitehearts [also connected with stealing of twin child]; and all are supported by local white males who drive authority cars with WS on them and wear uniforms of WS authority;
Pipes with openings at the top of Hanes Hosiery Recreation Center ceiling on the north side on the back stairway where there are three doors and all three doors can be locked-meaning a person can be locked in the back stairway of the Hanes Hosiery Recreation Center[6/27/14];
One pipe coming out of wall near the top of the ceiling of Hanes Hosiery Recreation Center on the back stairs on the South side[6/27/14];

Empty Hanes Hosiery Recreation Center that was told could not use by Coach Art Blevins on 6/27/14;

Empty Recreation Center on 6/27/14 that Coach Art Blevins told me that I could not use;
1. That system in process of being developed to kill young African American males; one way is by blocking them from having the normal life that a white male expects[properous/plentiful life=always having
extra] in the movie "the Hives",the June 26, 2014 Winston-Salem Chronicle [hardcopy][frontpage] and the Winston-Salem Journal article, "
Planners make the case for public
planners in African American neighborhood working with white males to rob other African americans are making a case to usean ART system][http://www.journalnow.com/news/local/planners-make-the-case-for-public-art/article_d526629f-83f5-5009-816a-4a7ca5878990.html]; along with the
world soccer 2014 championship [US vs.
germany] who gased the jews)[http://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/us-soccer-advances-to-world-cup-knockout-stage-despite-loss-to-germany/2014/06/26/730991e0-fd5b-11e3-beb6-9c0e896dbcd8_story.html];
A. The Winston-Salem Chronicle does not have pictures of the TWO African American boys on their website online; but the hardcopy of the WS Chronicle has the two African American boys as the focus of the topic for 6/27/14 with the title of "Brothers in
ART-code-to ART Blevin(
amd those who are participants in system of robbery/blocking of African American male[s]-boys[s];
Notice the title over the TWO African American boys head, "Brothers-in-
ART" [like coach
Winston-Salem Journal article: "Planners make case for
public "ART" by
Wesley "YOUNG";
Planners make the case for public art
Posted: Friday, June 27, 2014 6:30 am
WS Journal article, "
DUKE ordered to look at
piping systems" =code about African American[s]ash=
code for African Americans;
Duke ordered to look at piping systems
Posted: Thursday, June 26, 2014 11:00 pm
note: The writer last name has elements of battle in it;
Movie, "the HIVE"was made in 2012 [for current system developing] for Patterson Avenue area to block African American males from EXTRA;
Jonathan 'Lil J' McDanie
XTRA KEYS [http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1828320/] character name=father in jail,has son, is a father-code to those who working the
"ART" system to rob African Americans in Patterson Ave. area=don't allow extra=block,harass and intimidate, etc.;
System designed to block and rob African American males for
PATTERSON Ave area is in the hard copy on the front page of the Winston-salem Chronicle:
WS Chronicle; June 26,2014
Picture of
Wake Forest BIO TEC building on PATTERSON Ave; placed under the picture of the TWO African American boy[s]-code=
Bottom right corner of the WS Chronicle, June 6/26/14= "
COACHES shown how to prevent
future tragedies=code-to Coach Art- Bio Tech Center on Patterson Ave[whrere Steve WHITEHEART tire businsess is located] has his back to prevent future tragedies, which reads opposite concerning African Americans-meaning that
the BIO TTech Center on Patterson will do the opposite of preventing future tragedies concerning "Brothers-in ART";
WS Chronicle, 6/26/14; Front page article;
LAWmakers are a KEY role/influence in the development of the NEW "ART" system;
TWO articles in above section =code=white males will be more innovated to
pierce system so as not to prevent future tragedies for African Americans;
The movie, "In the Hive" was made to communicate to African Americans being paid to commit ethnic intimidation and exploit African Americans for white males to not allow African American fathers to have
EXTRA; why guy in movie last name was
KEYS =Key family has overcome white male system sot
Posted on 6/26/14 article about Anita Dean Ar
nette and the fact that her last name specifically
the net part was going to be used to trap African american men, male[s] in the Winston-Salem area;

Pictures of just about every AFrican American male that has played, or participated at the Hanes Hosiery Recreation Center=unofficail file=bet there is not public display of white male players in any recreation center;
Do KNOW that the above African American[s] are involved[Judge Hayes African American female prostitute he called a wife, Bailey,etc.]Winston Salem Chronicle, 6/26.14]