521-Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo. Winston-Salem, NC, Wake Forest University, CRB library
1. Walked to the CRB library,
2a.Heard on the local 94.5 fm radio sports program on 12/22/14 the following statement in reference to white male[s] playing sports and "fighting on the field":
" Sometimes MEN" need to let off steam,"
The above statement is in reference to white males being allowed to release their anger in public through physical means; not African American males;
2b. On 12/22/14 on 94.5 fm; sports radio program commentator made the following statement concerning the strategy about a L. A. Commissioner action's:s,
"Its called "Getting out in front of the storm;"
Which was in refenence to a L. A. commisssioner who does not want a professional football team in L. A. and that the reason why the commissioner has stopped the process for a professional football team to come to L.A. is because a professional football team in L. A. would cause the commissioner to have bad publicity because L. A. does not have an adequate/modern football stadium and the people would not vote for money for a stadium, which would mean the footteam would have to wait till a stadium was built, which would mean a lot of negative publicity for the commissioner not being able to provide an adequate/modern stadium;
Which the statement, "Getting out in front of the storm" explains the twentyplus years of doucmentation of abuse and why after situation is experienced then it is in the media/out in public and is exactly what is taking place now; which sums up what the United States Supreme Court did:
1. Documents were sent to the United States Supreeme Court about abusive authority and the information was used to "Get out in front of the "storm" meaning fix it so that the situation is made public while blocking the real person who has been abused from accessing help; that is why heard on local media that the man in the brown skin in the house that is white is trying to tell white males[based on the information given to him by his sidekicks]; that there are people who are not supportive of being subservient to white males and if the public knew there would be riots/marches; therefore white males need to control the "storm"-which is what I have been blogging; that everything /situation that has been blogged about/and sent in complaint to the United States Supreme Court has suddenly shown up in the media; yet if went to any of the black leaders, none of the black leaders would respond based upon the United Stated Constitutional laws; but only if white males tell them to-which is form of slavery;
2c. Commentator on Jason ?sports program;94.5 fm also stated in reference to a football player who had a 15 million dollar contract where the football player has yet to reach his potentional , that "When you have something negative that gets in the way or is always happening; it is extremely difficult for them to come back or come out of a slump;which is what was trying to say when posted that the AFrican American[s] were[fighting to live a life] being tricked into wasting their time protesting:

while the white Wake Forest University students were staging a concert[living life]:

Think have blogged before, you cannot fight and live a normal life; and "EVERYBODY" in the streets right now protesting are there because white male authority starting with the white male[s] at the Unitd States Supreme Court who read court documents in 2006-2008 about "Sam's club" decided that eventually the public would find out and that instead of the person who had documented the abuse getting/recieving payment for the abuse that it was a good opportunity to rob another African American of their wealth-nobody would find out; and as a result the authority abuse issue is in the media, locally, nationally and internationally[88fm radio];
Note: 2e-Listening to all of the white boy radio networks, such as this morning on the "Casey show" with the white male who was sitting in for casey who made statement that Kareen Abdulah Jabar and Coby Briant were stupid and that Coby Briant only did what his mastsa says; and that Kareen Abdulah Jabar did not know what he was talking about-he just heard something on the news and then said something; the he needed to go back to his hiding corner; that both their ignorance was showing , which in acutality the white males ignorance was showing because as a professor told me and many a minister; if you hear it one to two times[forget it]; there is nothing to it; but if you hear it three times or more person needs to pay attention; the white male radio commentator has not and does not live the life of an AFrican American male[neither has the man in the brown skin in the house that is white-in fact the white commentator stated, "something is wrong" he is a black man and he never gets it right-which shows the white male commentators ignorance again, the man in the brown skin in the house that is white has never been/seen, experienced growing up as a "real" African American male-he has experienced the watered down version so much so-he thought he could be president-when 100% of "real" African American men knew that was immaginary and based on the current state of things KNOWS that it is immaginary; the man in the brown skin is African from Africa; not AFrican American; there is a difference and he was raised by whites for the prupose of helping whites to destroy African American[s];Most white males could not tolerate what a "real" African American male tolerates; so when they hear of one African American going off; they laugh because they know that a whole lot more should h ave went off a l ong time ago; and most are just sitting and watching the "SHOW" staged by white males;
Thus if the African American male authority in the picture above expressing issues with his fellow white male authority; the killings of the TWO authority officers who were not white should cause somebody to really question how two authority officers could be atacked so easily; or notice that the two authority officers who were killed were not white:
1. Walked to the CRB library,
2a.Heard on the local 94.5 fm radio sports program on 12/22/14 the following statement in reference to white male[s] playing sports and "fighting on the field":
" Sometimes MEN" need to let off steam,"
The above statement is in reference to white males being allowed to release their anger in public through physical means; not African American males;
2b. On 12/22/14 on 94.5 fm; sports radio program commentator made the following statement concerning the strategy about a L. A. Commissioner action's:s,
"Its called "Getting out in front of the storm;"
Which was in refenence to a L. A. commisssioner who does not want a professional football team in L. A. and that the reason why the commissioner has stopped the process for a professional football team to come to L.A. is because a professional football team in L. A. would cause the commissioner to have bad publicity because L. A. does not have an adequate/modern football stadium and the people would not vote for money for a stadium, which would mean the footteam would have to wait till a stadium was built, which would mean a lot of negative publicity for the commissioner not being able to provide an adequate/modern stadium;
Which the statement, "Getting out in front of the storm" explains the twentyplus years of doucmentation of abuse and why after situation is experienced then it is in the media/out in public and is exactly what is taking place now; which sums up what the United States Supreme Court did:
1. Documents were sent to the United States Supreeme Court about abusive authority and the information was used to "Get out in front of the "storm" meaning fix it so that the situation is made public while blocking the real person who has been abused from accessing help; that is why heard on local media that the man in the brown skin in the house that is white is trying to tell white males[based on the information given to him by his sidekicks]; that there are people who are not supportive of being subservient to white males and if the public knew there would be riots/marches; therefore white males need to control the "storm"-which is what I have been blogging; that everything /situation that has been blogged about/and sent in complaint to the United States Supreme Court has suddenly shown up in the media; yet if went to any of the black leaders, none of the black leaders would respond based upon the United Stated Constitutional laws; but only if white males tell them to-which is form of slavery;
2c. Commentator on Jason ?sports program;94.5 fm also stated in reference to a football player who had a 15 million dollar contract where the football player has yet to reach his potentional , that "When you have something negative that gets in the way or is always happening; it is extremely difficult for them to come back or come out of a slump;which is what was trying to say when posted that the AFrican American[s] were[fighting to live a life] being tricked into wasting their time protesting:

while the white Wake Forest University students were staging a concert[living life]:

Think have blogged before, you cannot fight and live a normal life; and "EVERYBODY" in the streets right now protesting are there because white male authority starting with the white male[s] at the Unitd States Supreme Court who read court documents in 2006-2008 about "Sam's club" decided that eventually the public would find out and that instead of the person who had documented the abuse getting/recieving payment for the abuse that it was a good opportunity to rob another African American of their wealth-nobody would find out; and as a result the authority abuse issue is in the media, locally, nationally and internationally[88fm radio];
"Off duty, black cops in New York feel threat from fellow pol-ce"
Note: 2e-Listening to all of the white boy radio networks, such as this morning on the "Casey show" with the white male who was sitting in for casey who made statement that Kareen Abdulah Jabar and Coby Briant were stupid and that Coby Briant only did what his mastsa says; and that Kareen Abdulah Jabar did not know what he was talking about-he just heard something on the news and then said something; the he needed to go back to his hiding corner; that both their ignorance was showing , which in acutality the white males ignorance was showing because as a professor told me and many a minister; if you hear it one to two times[forget it]; there is nothing to it; but if you hear it three times or more person needs to pay attention; the white male radio commentator has not and does not live the life of an AFrican American male[neither has the man in the brown skin in the house that is white-in fact the white commentator stated, "something is wrong" he is a black man and he never gets it right-which shows the white male commentators ignorance again, the man in the brown skin in the house that is white has never been/seen, experienced growing up as a "real" African American male-he has experienced the watered down version so much so-he thought he could be president-when 100% of "real" African American men knew that was immaginary and based on the current state of things KNOWS that it is immaginary; the man in the brown skin is African from Africa; not AFrican American; there is a difference and he was raised by whites for the prupose of helping whites to destroy African American[s];Most white males could not tolerate what a "real" African American male tolerates; so when they hear of one African American going off; they laugh because they know that a whole lot more should h ave went off a l ong time ago; and most are just sitting and watching the "SHOW" staged by white males;
Thus if the African American male authority in the picture above expressing issues with his fellow white male authority; the killings of the TWO authority officers who were not white should cause somebody to really question how two authority officers could be atacked so easily; or notice that the two authority officers who were killed were not white:
A. Ramos[hispanic]
B. Lou[Asian][also name of relative and "LOUi"anna" where [black] Oil spilled];
[Liu] [Ramos]
[Posted: Tuesday, December 23, 2014 4:30 am ];[ ];
[http://www.journalnow.com/eedition/mapping/indecent-to-officers-slain-saturday/article_eb43131c-32dc-55d0-bac4-e67de14235bc.html];B. Lou[Asian][also name of relative and "LOUi"anna" where [black] Oil spilled];
"Indecent to officers slain Saturday "

[Posted: Tuesday, December 23, 2014 4:30 am ];[ ];
3. Which is really quite strange for the local newspaper to have abortion issues on the front page; unless one realizes that the WSJournal headlines are codes to white male secret groups[which heard white male commentator joking around about the "secret wifes club" which is a decoy to divert the truth that there really is a group of AFrican American female prostitutes working in secret to rob/steal and to kill innoncent African Americans; but white males own the media];

The article "court" Rejects abortion law is code to not abort the killing of AFrican American boys/males-message to secret group is to "HONOR" tradtion -follow courts [which also relates to "dating"-which would be message specifically to African American female prostitutes working in secret]:
A. The title of the article in the upper right hand corner, :
"NY mayor calls for "halt" in protests until after officers' frunerals"
The answer to call for "halt" to the local "court" system is "do not halt": which is why on the 23rd [number for birth]AC#1390 dove pass on CSR]and the WS Journal front page:
4. The articles in the Winston-salem Journal; front page; by sott sexton;title sums up what most African American[s]-especially in the church have to deal with when they have lived a life based upon biblical principals and obeyed man's law and the Devine God's law:
"Sexton: An act of mercy ends in tragedy "

Scott Sexton[http://www.journalnow.com/news/columnists/scott_sexton/sexton-an-act-of-mercy-ends-in-tragedy/article_6bf204bf-0c0a-5645-92f5-8f966fe29318.html];
[Posted: Sunday, December 14, 2014 12:16 am]; Winston-Salem Journal];[http://www.journalnow.com/news/columnists/scott_sexton/sexton-an-act-of-mercy-ends-in-tragedy/article_6bf204bf-0c0a-5645-92f5-8f966fe29318.html
[Based on observation/documention 99.99% of African American[s] life ususally end up in a negative type situation with white male[s] systems making money off of their plight; and if African American somehow overcomes the plight designed by white male[s] system[s] they the African American is looked upon as a vicous threat that has to be elimitated and African American[s] who overcome the white male system have no where to go because white male[s] control all the system[s]-mediacally, social, financial, and even intimidate relationships[which makes them pimps];[DG-so that anything that an African American that has overcome white male system[s] is tracked to the point that anything the AFrican American seeks to do white males create "NEW" "system" specifically to attack that person and "MONEY is no object];
Presently have a relative who is suffering form the act of mercy that has left relative almost with the body of an invalid; where the white male[s] medical system[s] operated [and my personal opinion is that they intentionally messed up their back so they couldn't walk; would have to be into confinement through the rehab care to ensure that the white male authority keeps them in isolation to control them bacause of relatives life experiences;and confirmation would be African american female whoate dinner who stayed at the "stitcht" center where she heard that because a doctor had touched a female inappropriately that the "stitcht"center would close-which coincided with my going to sleep on white sheets and waking up with blod stains on sheet near belly-which still don't know what they did to my body';
The white male[s] system[s] of mercy have used up my life; the white male[s] system[s] have blocked the people who are suppose to be around me; taught my family members that their enemy instead of the white males who use them to create and develope the same system[s] that will rob/steal/ or kill them[which is what relative is suffering with now and family members were so into doing as white males instructed; if had not gone to check on relative; they probably would not be here today]
Note: Person walked pass and looked at me and said, "It will get better!" and that is the whole issue with AFrican American[s] who are aware that are not working as a slave to white males; get better when, how; sh-t that most African American[s] have experienced were supposed to be over and done with during the MLK riots and marches;]
5a. Football/basket ball player-[WINSTON]African American male falsey accused; "NOT CARGED"
"Winston" had somebody that steered him around the system that wanted to use "Winston's" name; and becuase "Wisnton" the ball player was not charged for sexual misconduct for anything the bastards in the secret club in Winston-salem, NC will think that is their secret group communicating that the can do as instructed by the secret code through the titles on the front page of the Winston-Salem Journal;
"FSU hearing clears quarterback Jameis Winston"
"Jameis Winston ruling: No violation:
"Former Florida SUPREME COURT CHIEF Justice Major Harding ruled that Florida State quarterback Jameis Winston did not violate the university's conduct code. [SAME SYSTEM];
5b.-Nick YOUNG is one of the celebrities that white male system uses to communicate to secret group developed around "TWIN" concept[like TWIN towersm World Trade Center]:
"Nick Young Seen Driving His 1962 Chevy Impala He Got from Iggy Azelea"
[By Max Thompson 5 hours ago; [http://www.autoevolution.com/news/nick-young-seen-driving-his-1962-chevy-impala-he-got-from-iggy-azelea-photo-gallery-90370.html];[Note: Royal Blue [1962] chevy impala are all codes to the secret group operting the robbery of the real African Americans who are connected with the African Amerian[s] white males are trying to steal from; which a lot of the AFrican American[s] are aware of who is participating in secret group[s][like Gwyndolyn Gwyn/Ben PIckett/Melissa Williams][notee-and have blogged about all of the colors/code names before];
"Nick Young's TWINS:
[April 11, 2014;By ABC NEWS RADIO;Mariah Carey, Nick Cannon and their twins Monroe and Moroccan Cannon attend "Family Day" hosted by Nick Cannon at Santa Monica Pier in Santa Monica, Calif., Oct. 6, 2012];[http://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/mariah-carey-convinced-wanted-children/story?id=23290031];
[Note: Nick "YOUNG" TWINS and their names, especially, "MONROE" along with "Family DAY" title are all codes to those in secret group-associated with royal blue] and Nick YOUNG getting a royal blue car today coincides with the Winston-salem Journal headlines "not to halt" anything concerning the robbing/stealing/ of African American[s] wealth-which willnot stop till:];
Note:n1- The BILLboard at the front entrance of Carver School Road and 311 has a picture of an AFrican American female by the name of "BATES state farm ad;Bates is the nameof the street where close relative had issue with the local authorities];

[ http://socialnowst.blogspot.com/];
Note: n2-Lopez "TWINS" in sports; 94.5 fm; 12/22/14;
Note: n3-Picture that say "sent " on 12/19/14 have yet to get to email;