Blogged on 4/13/14 about the B-b
COCK Foundation connection to giving Cintas directions on how to intimidate/harass me; and that as long as :
then I would be attacking CINTAS and board of B-b
COCK Foundation; to which evenutally evidence will be coming forth;
A. Of the fact that the name "B-bCOCK R. Foundation" is automatically associated with "COCK" and "Dick" [subliminal sexual]= googled,
"B-bCOCK Foundation" and names associated with "DICK" had the most prevelent links;
Coded message-article,"WSSU students to compete" by "SPECIAL to Chronicle; page B3; Winston-Salem Chronicle;
Bastards will not allow me to post picture of a portion of article from email;
But however did locate on line at
http://www.wssu.edu/about/news/2014/20140402-honda-all-star.aspx; [
Four Students To Represent WSSU in Honda Campus All-Star Challenge
that states that :
The team is coached by
GRANT, manager of The Student Experience in University College and
LIFELONG learning.=code=grant Cynthia
"money and love' in MARTIN [travon matin] group based on code/s in/of code names in picture;

[The WSSU team includes
GEORGEs I. Guillaume of West Palm Beach, FL,
LOVEtt of Winston-Salem, NC, Valerie Nkansah of Newark, NJ, and Eric M. Vail of Woodstock, New Brunswick, Canada.]
1.code=George=MONEY= closing of TWO lanes on GEORGE Washington Bridge/Chris Christie/New Jersey;
2.code-Lovett=LOVE=allow love and B-bCOCK;
3.code-Martinique=MARTIN=[why travon martin was killed][name needed to communicate about "MARTIN" group [Harold Martin group in Carver School Road area];
Thus those in the secret group know that one of the coded names is CYNTHIA; and everyday Deanna suffering from/because as told one person -because of being intimidated/threaten/abused/attacked so that bastards can raise up "CYNTHIA"-will be attacking the B-bCOCK R. Foundation, etc.; if Deanna can not live in peace[not talking about a dam purple heart[display at Reynolda Road]-where confirmation that white males are at war against African American[s](book with an African American soldier=ONLY article that is about to fall or that is out of place[visual communication]=all other articles in place and organized)
Of system of abuse to intimidate/ abuse/rob/ steal/attack/ and threaten African Americans is the B-bCOCK R Foundation slogan:
"Helping to move people and places out of poverty"
Which means B-bCOCK R. Foundation KNOWS HOW to MOVE PEOPLE and PLACES in to
"POVERTY"; which is what B-bCOCK R. Foundation is teaching CINTAS how to do to her family members and in return she is rewarded by B-bCOCK R. Foundation:
On the Board:
Ivan Kohar Parra, Durham, NC
Ivan Kohar Parra is Executive Director of the
North Carolina Latino Coalition.
A.Code-LATINO=[pictures-1. Mi Pueblo[restuarant located across the street in front of DICKson sign-where Cintas makes a right hand turn];2. picture of CINTAS truck in front of DEWEY'S bakery where all African American and white people have been removed and ONLY hispanic in store];
So Ivan Kohar Parra is one of those giving directives to CINTAS [threaten to taken away CINTAS "dick" if she does not do what the BOARD wants her to do;
Which means that being that "Jack"[code for MONEY] put up a "RED" bird [color of relatives car who was intimidated out of city of Winston-Salem] in front of CINTAS apartment as form of communication to let CINTAS know what side relative was on who drives red car [bastards broke relatives red car to prevent from visiting city to ensure no support for Deanna not yeilding wealth to CINTAS who is backed up by B-bCOCK R. Foundation [white male] system;
THUS anything happens to relative who drives red car who was intimidated out of the city of winston-Salem; those at the B-bcock R. Foundation giving instructions to CINTAS and CINTAS giving instructions to white males of how to treat and what to do to relative who drives red car who was intimidated out of city of Winston-Salem to remove support from Deanna;
Have blogged about how white males think of African Americans as [DOGS]-secret code for African Americans; One of members of Board at the B-bCOCK R. Foundation is
Ken Mountc-stle is Corporate Relations Off-c-r at the
American Humane Association.
In order to discuss what what white males no with their dogs/pets/African Americans working in secret for white males/have to be able to use and discuss [DOGS] freely without there being a question as to why dogs are talked about so much;
note: none of pictures sent to either email went to email; even though phone said that email was sent;
note: will post pictures later;
Of blog postings about camera placed in my eyes without my concent/permission or conscious knowledge;
Thus upon signing in for email;article "Google Patents Contact lenses that Contain microcameras"[google]
Google Patents Contact Lenses That Contain Microcameras
Alyssa Bereznak Tech Columnist Apr 14, 2014
"Google has filed a patent for a contact lens system that that would include built in cameras";
Eventually evidence that they have put cameras in certain people's eyes without their written, conscious consent-will come forth;
Add this one to the list of unbelievably cool things Google has in the works: It has filed a patent for a contact lens system that would include built-in cameras.
The technology could potentially allow Google to shrink its wearable face computer — known as Google Glass — into the size of a single contact lens. Rather than be controlled by voice, those wearing the contacts would command their device through,
as Patent Bolt analyzes it, “a sophisticated system” of “unique blinking patterns.” In other words, people wearing these contacts may look even weirder than people in Google Glass.
News of Google’s patent filing comes just a few months after the company revealed
a prototype contact lens that monitors glucose levels. The invention, which was developed in the company’s secretive Google X Labs, could be a major aid for the millions of diabetics who must measure their blood sugar by drawing blood from their fingers.
Google’s latest breakthrough in contact lens technology could potentially grant the blind the ability to see certain things, according to Patent Bolt’s close reading of the patent application.
“For example, a blind person wearing Google’s contact lens with a built-in camera may be walking on a sidewalk and approaching an intersection. The analysis component of the contact lens can process the raw image data of the camera to determine … that there is a car approaching the intersection.”
Sounds rad. Let’s just hope it doesn’t spawn a whole new population of